Gym Killer

Midnight Memoire

Oh! Glory
Jul 27, 2009
Pennsylvania, US
First, here is the news artcile: Gym Killer

Last night my Big Brother obsession was rudely interrupted by a Special Report on all broadcast stations. Why? Because a 48 year old man couldn't get a girlfriend so he decided to bullet-ablaze an LA Fitness center located in a small town in Pennsylvania approximately 45 minutes from where I live.

This man kept a blog of his planned murders. How sickening is that?

"On Tuesday night, the gunman walked into his gym wearing workout gear and a headband, entered a "Latin impact" dance aerobics class and placed a duffel bag on the ground. He rooted around in the bag for a moment, turned off the lights, took out at least two guns and started shooting."

What are your opinions on this matter? Do you think someone should have at least reported his blog as suspicious? Do you believe that what drove him to kill 4 women and himself was reasonable (if any murders can possibly be considered reasonable)?
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A man is responsible for his actions. He could have moved and tried to find a lady friend in another town or state perhaps. I'm not too surprised really. Stuff like this happens all over the world daily. Some people just can't cope with their situations. And yes, someone should have notified police of his blog. Might have saved some lives. Sad day in LA fer sure.
Most Government agencies have flags set up for anything with the word "Kill" or "Murder" in them. I'm very surprised this wasn't found out sooner. To be honest I don't have enough facts to tell you if this was right before this murders occurred or way before?

I mean 22 years without a woman though... sheesh. Rejection can be served cold sometimes. I don't know exactly what might have been going through his mind really, but this is pretty disturbing stuff. It could happen easily, as long as gun laws are not enforced. I mean I don't see him killing as many people with a knife or whatever. So gun prevention could have helped this.
He had been plotting to "shoot up" this fitness center for about nine months. Six months prior he went to that same center with his duffel bag, guns inside, planning to commit the crime then. He "chickened out" that day. He didn't chicken out last night.
Nine months and he had this posted on a blog? Seems like a pretty flawed system. The only way I could see this occurring is if he ran his own website. I mean this could happen anywhere, I wouldn't be paranoid about it, but still. It probably had to do with internal blame mostly to the point where he was forced to convince himself it wasn't because of him; instead, it was the entire female's population fault. How he arrived at this point, I do not wish to know.

It reminds me of Ted Bundy to be honest. Although he was never really rejected by women, but he had some offset anger issues because of his first love. So everyone that looked like his first.. well you know what occurred.
Synlea said:

Do you think someone should have at least reported his blog as suspicious?

I don't think someone should be reported to the police for simply thinking a thought. Yes, he actually acted on his thoughts but he could've just as easily been some idiot doing it for attention. Just because someone says they are going to kill someone it doesn't mean they are going to. I'm sure many people here have said they are going to kill someone and not meant it literally.

If I reported every 'suspicious' thing I saw on the internet I would report every second post on /b/. I remember seeing a vid on youtube where some mmo player threatened to kill someone because they stole his loot, does that mean I should call the authorities?

Synlea said:
Do you believe that what drove him to kill 4 women and himself was reasonable (if any murders can possibly be considered reasonable)?
SaShman hit the nail. It is almost impossible that anyone would actually take it seriously enough, basing it simply on what is written online. If it were so easily taken as it is, I wouldn't be sure how many arrests the police would have to make in a day. It'll be disaster.

As to whether what he did was reasonable...

Obviously, my answer to that is 'No'. Just because he failed to get a girlfriend doesn't warrant the death of 4 innocent women, whom he most probably didn't know. It only serves to highlight his pathetic state of mind, which I can only scorn in the safety of home.

And, on a more personal note, keeping a blog containing such details is simply demented. It's obvious he needed psychological help. It's a pity no one who knew him read this in time, or took action in time.
Here are my thoughts:

I don't necessarily think that the authorities should taken severe action regarding his blog but I do think that someone should have notified the police to perhaps get this man some help. Even if that help meant a few nights in the Psych Ward, I really believe that it could have helped make this situation not occur. I'm sure someone, somewhere, was reading his blogs and watching his videos. I'm also aware that the government has key words that they look for on internet postings. This all could have been avoided had someone taken him seriously. He posted blogs as well as video blogs regarding his feelings. He was extremely descriptive.

As for him committing the crimes and his reasoning behind it... Sickening. Obviously he had a terrible personality if no woman would dare go on a date with him let alone have even a one-night-stand. He was not a bad looking man. His physical features were probably not what was holding him back. I do know that on his blogs he claimed to like younger women (college age) so that could have had to do with why women were not very interested in him. I feel that perhaps he was aiming too high when it came to who he was seeking a relationship with. By no means is his excuse for killing these women understandable though. If he needed sex, he could have gone and got a prostitute for goodness sake! If he really wanted a relationship, he should have set his standards down a bit. If you're desperate enough for love that you find killing others is the only option, you obviously were doing something wrong.
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Synlea said:
I don't necessarily think that the authorities should taken severe action regarding his blog but I do think that someone should have notified the police to perhaps get this man some help. Even if that help meant a few night in the Psych Ward, I really believe that it could have helped make this situation not occur.
I understand what you mean. But with the amount of messed up stuff on the internet I don't think the police would be able to keep up with everything which is marked as suspicious. Furthermore I sure as hell don't like the idea of possibly being committed to a psychiatric ward for writing/saying something on the internet. Nor do I like the idea of being monitored by the police for saying something controversial.

As for getting some sort of counselling. I think that was really his responsibility or the responsibility of someone who actually knew him. I don't think the average internet user would've been able to determine for certain if he was serious, let alone whether he needed therapy or not.

On the internet it can sometimes be hard to distinguish sarcasm, acting or trolling from serious business. That's just the way it is.
the same thing happened with that dude at virginia tech,he always said he was going to do something,nobody believed him,and he did something,now look how many people are dead because nobody wants to listen to these guys,its only a matter of time before something like this happens again,but,it is wrong,somebody shouldve reported the blog,now 4 innocent people,and 1 psycho jackass,are dead,and whos to blame,people who tought it was just a joke
In my opinion, this would be one of the occasions in which reason is lost in the first place. Trying to rationalize the actions of someone who clearly wasn't thinking rationally in the first place is useless. There's no reason to true madness.

Obviously he had a terrible personality if no woman would dare go on a date with him let alone have even a one-night-stand.

I don't believe that's possible. There are billions of people on the earth; someone, somewhere would have fit him. The person that would fit him might be a sadistic person as well, but someone is going to fit. There's just too many different kinds of people on the earth for someone not to fit him.

I don't think this incident had anything to do with not finding love, I'd be willing to bet that was more or less just something he told himself as an excuse. The man obviously needed psychiatric help to begin with.
What's really scary is the LA shooting guy purchased his weapons from the website as the VA Tech shooter. It really doesn't make any sense...
While people can be born deranged or mad, I don't believe people can be born with murder in their hearts.

That being said, how we are brought up and childhood experiences have massive impacts on how we are built. Some kids are tougher than others, some retreat to a dark place.

That being said, you get to a stage where all you want to do is murder and you will find any excuse to carry out this act.

It's ridiculous to think that once a puppy has rabies that it can be domesticated again.

Excellent points!! I don't believe it.Women are not interested in him because he had a terrible personality.People kill people. Really scary................nice job!!!!:starwars: