Hack Sig


ShinRa Guard
Oct 26, 2008
in your pocket
hey this is another attempt on sig ( i rly suck) constructive crisisim would be greaty apreciated and anythin and everything i can improve on:holyshit:
You don't suck at all! You have a pretty good grasp of flow and colors. The biggest problem I see with this tag is your blending, focus, and lighting.

Blending - All the layers are stacked nicely, but none of then seem to be blended together much. Placing c4d on a tag without doing anything to them, isn't designing. Try a method called smudging or distort them a bit to give them your own originality.

Focus - Whats the first thing I should notice when I look at this signature? The first thing I spotted was that globe which I'm sure wasn't your intention.

Lighting - I like dark tags but because you use c4ds, it doesn't make much sense that the render is so dark. Place part of the c4d over the render just a bit to bring it out. This is also helpful in blending.

Your doing just fine. Just need a little tuning and you'll be quite good.
I agree with Hana - this is not bad at all. The coloring is pretty nice, and I personally love dark tags. =] How long have you been doing GFX work?

Anyway, try not slapping a render on top of the BG and leaving it at that. You can really tell here because I see faint outlines of the render and it's fairly noticeable right off the bat. Blending or smudging will fix that problem. That big sphere on the left is a nice design, but I think it should have been used more subtly and placed near the render to help make him stand out more.

And C4Ds are a nice concept and I honestly love using them in my sigs, but I don't overdo it and I always try to make them subtle-looking, yet effective as a whole. Just practice and I'm sure you'll get it in no time. I can tell you've already got the gist and the basics...now all you have to do is work on a few points and perfecting them. ^^
Wow pretty good I like your second one with Zack and embrace your dreams. I just love that saying in crisis core ''embrace your dreams'' Anyways you do not suck at all nice colors.