Hangover Cures.....


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
Got any nifty hangover cures?

Mines 2 bottles of lucozade, an egg butty & a steaming hot shower & Im usually good to go

(altho eggs arent agreeing with me lately) :dry:
oooh yeah i forgot about the morning brew.....altho i normally have carpet gob and really need water xD
Just lots of water, very little noise, no human interaction, and a bit of pomegranate juice.

And lucozade is a popular fizzy drink here. Though it comes as a soft drink as well which is more awesomely delicious.
And lucozade is a popular fizzy drink here. Though it comes as a soft drink as well which is more awesomely delicious.

reading both you post an Miss Valentine's, I'm probably correct to assume it's the equivalent of Gatorade, or do you have that as well? xD

i want some of this Lucozade.
I've actually not tried Lucozade as a hangover cure...But after reading the first few posts in the thread I'm starting to realise why there's more Lucozade than other drinks in the vending machines at the University I go to :)

Those are the guys, orange only for me :inlove:
Red bull reminds me of vodka too much so theres no way i could drink it when Im feeling as ruff as a bears arse >_<
Lucozade? Never tried that for hangovers....
I generally drink Dr Pepper or play some music at full volume with the ol earphones on.
hair of the dog for me,
coffee with baileys, and a big breakfast with lots of bacon
Ah, but coke tastes shit compared to Dr Pepper. Loud music defiantly works.

Watching an episode of Only fools or Dad's Army helps.
I always seem to find everything really funny when Im hungover - so monging out infront of a comedy sounds quality!

Id have to give the l;oud music a miss tho, I have to go for the mellow section when Im feeling delicate lol