Hangover Cures.....

Red bull reminds me of vodka too much so theres no way i could drink it when Im feeling as ruff as a bears arse >_<

Yea I don't think I've ever had Red Bull without vodka. I wouldn't be able to go with that in the morning.

Usually I get up, take a shower, brush my teeth, then take Tylenol PM and go back to bed.

You could always just get up and start drinking again. That cures it pretty fast. :cool:
site fails. D:
Lucozade is one of the things that makes most sense for a hangover, because it replaces all the sugars and such that the hangover takes from you. :monster:
Fresh air. Try to get outside as it will clear your head at the very least. But it should make your stomach feel a bit better too. If you can't get up the energy to do that crack open a window. doesn't help the headache though so aspirin paracetamol etc