Happy Birthday Judy!~

*~*~Happy Birthday~*~* I hope you have a wonderful day! :3
Happy birthday, Judy. :argor:

I hope that you have had, and continue to have, a fantastic and interesting day.
Thank you everyone! :yay: It's been quite an odd day - I have never flown on a plane so small! and I managed to explore the dodgy end of the city I'm visiting instead of the nicer area. :lew: There are some looovely anime/Final Fantasy shops here! Although...they do sell some fake merchandise. :wacky: I saw a pretty clear indication on the postcards which had faded FF pictures, including one of Rinoa and Squall with a Final Fantasy X logo but 'Final Fantasy X-2' in writing. :ahmed: The FF figures are so expensive. :sad3: I want a figure of Serah! :ness: But the MINI one is 20 Euros! The standard figure is 60 Euros. Those prices are only marginally inflated. Silly SE. :ahmed: