Hard caves... no walkthroughs


Chocobo Breeder
Aug 15, 2007
There seem to be quite a lot of hard caves in final fantasy on psp but i cant find any walkthroughs also in on of the caves there is a fight against omega but if u go into the the other room there is a fight against a beast called shinyru but i have looked in a beastiary on the net (it was too hard at my level to kill) and i couldnt find it.
Any suggestions?
Get a strategie guide, they sell them almost any where you can buy the game, will make things alot easier
I'm sure because its rather new there aren't going to be too many available walkthroughs yet. You may want try some of the older ones for the GBA version, the caves should be almost the same because it is a re-make.

BTW how is it? I've heard bad things about the PSP version.
its a very good game one of the hardest as u probobly already know :) btw can u get ultima weapon on the gba or ps version cause ive just got it. it was on floor 40 of the whisperwind cove after u fight death gaze?