Hardest Boss in the Final Fantasy Series...

Hmm...I'd say maybe one of the hardest bosses to beat is Neslug in FFX. Once you damaged him to a certain point, he'd retreat into his shell, become practically immune to all attacks, and regenerate ALL of his health. Then he'd come out of his shell and you'd go through it all again. I'm a lousy blitzball player, I didn't have Wakka's Attack Reels, and Zanmato is cheating. I suffered a great deal.

Dark Shiva wasn't fun, either...she kept killing me before I could make a move. Dark Anima took me forever, because she was next to impossible to hit...that defies logic. She's HUGE. How can they fail to hit her?!

However, Omega Weapon is pure, undiluted evil...after the first Lionheart failed to kill him, I knew I was in for it. I comboed for at least twenty minutes with Zell, he was still standing. Then he killed me. That happened repeatedly. I can't remember if I ever beat him, but I don't think I did...

Yiazmat should really be the hardest boss, but all the challenge is taken out of it by being allowed to leave the area...50 million or so health, and you just run in and out and chip away at it. No sport at all...
CAn't really think at the top of my head although I do recall in VIII Ultimecia was very irritating just because she picks your team for you >_>. Which kindof made her a hard boss but that made me so angry -__-
Chaos in the original NES version of 1 was actually pretty hard. I tried him on a saved version on an emulator and i could not get him down.

Also Ex Death on the PS version of V. But then I never took the time to level up every professionon every character so maybe that was my problem.

And of course Zeromus (PS version), one of the only final bosses where I had to have all my characters be above lvl 70
For me it is hard to say, because what defines "hardest". To many of you, that seems to be the most annoying. In which case this prize goes hands down to Ozma of FFIX. Him (it?) being able to kill your entire party at any moment made this fight based almost purely on luck. Which was nice considering the hours and hours of sidequests and leveling required not only to reach this fight but to have any chance at all in winning it. It took me nearly 20 tires to win this fight (@ lv. 76).

Having said all that, winning this fight did not give me nearly the sense of accomplishment that beating Ruby and Emerald did. Maybe because VII was the first of the series I played, or maybe because none of my friends were able to do it, but beating the Weapons will always be one of my favorite video game moments. Hardest boss or not.
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I played FF1 through 10 back to back recently. And I think Necron from FF9 was the hardest storyline boss, or at least the most annoying. His abilities force me to spend most of my time healing and reviving while occasionally squeezing in a powerful attack.
I would have to say Griever GF from FF8. Why? He kept blowing my magic away which I thought was never possible in FF history, he made a believer out of me. Your really screwd when he blows off curaga off of everybody i didn't have alot of Megaelixirs either I forgot to exchange the Bahamut card.
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From the games I played, I would say Chaos from FFI (Origins version), Emperor from FFII (final battle, Origins version), and Nemesis from FFX.

Half the battle is just getting to Chaos. Fighting his four fiends all over again made it much harder. There was always the chance you'd run out of Potions before you got to him. Last time I fought him only my Master and Red Wizard survived, while my Ninja and White Wizard died.

As for the Emperor, sure you can beat him easily with the Blood Sword. But he's definitely MUCH, MUCH harder without it. I'm proud to say that in the first few times I beat him I didn't use the Blood Sword. He'd always knock out either Leon or Gus with his physical attack.

And Nemesis. Last time I fought him, he killed ALL of my Aeons before killing him at last. It's never fun when Haste, Quick Hit, max stats, and Aeons are your only means of defeating a boss. I like to fool around with magic or other skills.

Overall, I'd say Nemesis is the toughest one. However, the most fun (and still a challenge) is the Emperor, in my opinion. Out of all the bosses I have witnessed, I'd say Ozma from FFIX comes as a close second to Nemesis. Ozma gets the silver medal, Nemesis gets gold and Emperor gets bronze. :)
hardest final boss zeromous or kefka or ultimecia

who did you find the most difficult to beat out of them three as i found them to be the most difficult particuarly ultimecia
I've haven't played VI yet so I don't know if Kefka is hard to fight or not. As for the other 2...

Ultimecia has never been a hard fight. I must get really lucky when i play 8 cuz every time I have fought that final battle in 8 Rinoa always got her 'Wishing Star' limit ability. Those are supposed to be random.... but for some odd reason every time for her it has been her wishing star. lol I've heard that that battle is a real pain, I've just never had any problems with it.

Zeromous actually kicked my butt the first time I tried to fight him.... but that was only because I was severely under leveled. lol
sin is 1 tough cookie.you have to fight his arms(1 each per boss battle),his head,and something else i think he has,the core thing their.it was pretty difficult you have to be skilled to defeat that guy.so it means if you lose at the last part,start all over!
For some reason the Storm Dragon in VI absolutely wiped the floor with me the first time I played through. I think I was somewhat underleveled too, but his all-party aero attacks did some serious damage with little time to heal in between. I must have made literally at least 15 attempts on his life before I was successful.

I think someone had mentioned the dinosaur Pylraster at Ridorana in FFXII--he was also extremely difficult. A lot of the higher-ranking hunts in XII are much harder than most regular bosses I've encountered. Disma was a little #!%@! too.
For me it's definitely Ruby Weapon (VII). I gets so antsy when I fight it and get too carried away with summoning and spells that I neglect to check up on my HP or MP. That and the first time i got close to defeating it I ended up summoning Hades instead of Bahamut (whichever the strongest one was) and died. D:
Toughest boss

I need help creating a poll, first of all. Can anyone tell me how?

Anyways, this thread will be about who you think was the toughest boss in their respective game or even the entire series. Feel free to post more than one. :)

As for me, it's got to be the final fight with the Emperor. In my first FFII playthrough, it took me about 30-60 minutes to finally kill him (today I can do it in 5 or less thanks to the Blood Sword). But there was always the chance he'd kill me with Starfall or using his physical attack on my party. The guy was annoying too, as he could restore his health by simply draining mine. Fight him without the Blood Sword, andy ou hsould be entertained for a while.
Darn. I could find the topic, so that's why I posted it.

Can I at least post the poll? I was making it, but it got messed up. Probably cause the threads merged. Said the thread already got a poll but all I see is a closed one.
So far in my time playing the series, the hardest boss I faced was Seymour Flux (The Third Seymour Fight) he hit's like a you know what and it took me many many moons before I finally did him in. Surprisingly, he's harder than Yunalesca....I would say the same with subsequent bosses....if it weren't for the fact that I already had Anima post-Yunalesca....
I found Yunalesca quite challenging. She has 3 forms and she is one hell of a fight! I mean if you get stuck as 3 people non zombified you are screwed. I was stuck for 5 months straight but the whole idea is too level up aeons abilities and to make Bahamuts Megaflare do at least 14 K or 20 K.
Darn. I could find the topic, so that's why I posted it.

Can I at least post the poll? I was making it, but it got messed up. Probably cause the threads merged. Said the thread already got a poll but all I see is a closed one.
You aren't able to do it yourself but if you want you can PM me what you want to be in the pole and I'll do it for you :)
Another boss fight I'll post, just to stay on topic. I agree on the Yunalesca posts, she was really tough. You got zombified, and she'll take advantage of it. If you're not zombified, bam! Target for Mega Death.