KHII Hardest Boss

Sephiroth is the hardest boss without a doubt, I was LVL. 99 when I beat him.
HaHaHaHaHa! I think everyone is easy even Sephiroth! There is a secret to killing his first form easily. I've already said this on another post but give me a message about this and I will tell you about it.
Sephiroth without a doubt, can take away half your HP with a single strike, now thats challenging, no comment.
I'm wondering at this point, what difficulty level is everyone at while they're fighting these guys? I took them all out without a problem. Then again I was on medium at the time and my level was very high at the time.
Sephiroth is the hardest boss on the game. There's really no questioning that...

Demyx is tough solely for the timed sessions, but he's not in the same league as Sephiroth.
im sure to be flamed for saying ths, but Sephy was impossible for me
people don't fame on this board it's friendly ^_^
Anyway either round 46 ir 49 is hardest for me still ^_^
Demyx on Proud Mode. Timed Sessions always killed me because i'd kill all the water things then there'd be on left then i'd do the reaction command and it wouldn't die in time. Really annoying
Demyx on Proud Mode. Timed Sessions always killed me because i'd kill all the water things then there'd be on left then i'd do the reaction command and it wouldn't die in time. Really annoying

Kill the last one with a few swings of the keyblade

The hardest boss is Xaldin unless you use Beast's Limit,or Sepheroth, or Demyx on Proud
Xaldin was fucking terrible. I used Mickey a million times and failed with Mickey a million times. This fight can cause serious rage and anger in me. The stupid jumping, him riding the dragon, the wind, the stupid spears. Ugh! I hate him. This battle was the second worst battle I've ever encountered in any video game.