Hardest Boss

The hardest enemy is the serpent thing when you FIRST get to it.
Other than that, Ruby weapon. I died like a million times!
Only on my first play-through did I really experience any real difficultly with any of the bosses in FFVII. I found the duel against Dyne pretty tuff because I hadn't levelled-out properly or equipped Barrett with the right materia beforehand. Other tough bosses I can remember, Demon Wall, Materia Keeper, that robot thingy in Judon, Emerald Weapon. Ruby was easy; it was just a case of pressing O and then coming back every 10 minutes to repeat the process all over again.
Mine is Final Fantasy 7 ~> Ruby Weapon, damn thing keeps killing me, im trying to do it w/o knights of the round so i can get a free gold chocobo lol
The hardest for me was Carry Armour. The first time I had played the game was the first time I had played a turn-based RPG. So I got to him at like lvl 25. I had ran from most battles, so I didn't level, or have money for items. I had to do the whole fight with crap for materia, weak characters, and one Hi-Potion (no other healing items, including Pheonix downs). Since you can't back out of the reactor, I couldn't go get money to buy items and level a bit. Luckily, I was using Cait Sith. After about 50 or so tries of defeating the boss, I got the "special" combination in his Slots limit on accident. Heh, I pretty much went through that whole game the first time in complete darkness. I knew nothing about the game, or any RPG's for that matter... NOTHING.
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