Hardest Boss

The hardest for me at the time was probably maester seymour in the snow mountains.. I was totally unprepared for it, even though I had th game guide it was solid!
o_o All the bosses in X Were pretty much straight forward and easy to me might've been because I love to train and I do it for hours and im basically prepared for battles Lmao.
i know it may sound stuipd but... Defender X... I was really low lvl so it took me ages (so annoying) and the monster you fight on the airship before yuna's wedding (i died fight gaurds after the battle before i saved (so pissed))
Witch Yunalesca was the hardest for me no doubt her atacks are really annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Seymour you encounter on Mt.Gagazet was also pretty tough killed me about 5 times in a row before i was able to defeat him!
I thought the hardest, well not really hard, but the most annoying battle was with Sin. I mean it was so freaking long and when you're just about to kill him and he destroys you it just gets so frustrating.
Witch Yunalesca, because when you beat her the first time, you think WOW that was easy, but she comes back alive and your like ok here we go again. Then you beat her for the second time and she dies and you that she is finally dead, but is she NOOOO, You have to beat her for a thrid time and that is just really stressful
I think that the hardest boss in FFX is the Evrae. When i arrived, i wasnt enough trained. Thats why Evrae is the most difficult Boss in FFX.
Yunalesca was the hardest for me simply because it took too long. Every boss is very easy if you knwo what you're doing. But then again i spent like an hour in every area training so maybe that's why.
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lady yunalesca is pretty easy, he makes pretty weak attacks... the only interesting stuff is the megadeath but you just have to keep zombie on your party so they won`t die; you dun have to worry bout her attacks cause they do like 300 of damage aprox.

I would say that the most difficult is seymour flux too.
damn i dont remember the spectral keeper.........

seymore was fkin easy, but i used rikku's mix with dark matter ^_^

yunalesca, OMG BITCH I hated that- that THING, jesus holy fkin craping monkeys, i pwned everything on the way up in like one hit, then she fkin megadeath u lose, im like :| :O >_< BULLSHIT MAN!!!! then i took her again and she effin confused everyone, i eventually beat her with my crystal armor and weapon sets (Firestrike, Icestrike, Waterstrike, Lightningstrike, Fireeater, Iceeater, Watereater, and Lightningeater) so if she confused us wed just heal the FK out of each other =P lmao then i ownd her with buhamut ^_^ he did like 1M dmg lmao
Personally, I found Spectral Keeper to be the hardest story line boss, therefore alot harder than Seymour Flux. Glyph Mines suck >_< Seymour Flux is no way the hardest boss in my opinion.