Hardest Boss


Posterboy for FFVII
Feb 8, 2007
Which boss was the most difficult or annoying boss in the game in your opinion?

IMO the most difficult ones were Seymore Flux & Lady Yunalesca. They were a nightmare those two.

Remember, which STORYLINE boss was the hardest, not optional ones.
hmmm i have to say seymour flux cause of his total annihilation attack and you can only get 1 attack when you summon cause he banishes it :(
I thought Seymore on the snow mountain was pretty tough. But that was mainly because I wasn't ready for him and expected him to be easy like the last couple of times.

I thought Ject was pretty challanging until I realized that you had to make Tidus talk to him in order to make his limit go down. I didn't have any celestial weapons either.
i found seymour flux the hardest i was so unprepared and i had No celestial weps and i kept dying so i ummm had to cheat heh heh lol
the hardest for me were both seymour flux and lady yunalesca.

seymour flux, i found it annoying that he could banish all of your aeons. i mean that is conveniant for him, but when you don't power up like you should, like i didn't, then fighting without your aeons can be a little challenging

again, with yunalesca, i would get close to finishing her off and then should we drain the life out of me and that would be it.

i didn't find jecht to be too bad.
Now I can't rmember the name of this Boss it is without a doubt the hardest Boss in the game, the Boss that appears after you complete the Cloister of Trials in Zanarkand on my first time playing FFX I actually gave up and didn't play it again for around a year because of this Boss.
hmm hardest storyline boss.... i wud say yunalesca..i never xpected megadeath and then she keeps puttin zombie on your characters then casting regen. once u figure out her tactics shes easier. The spectral kepper was quite difficult. And evrae when u fight him on the airship gave me trouble the first time round.
2 phoenix downs and hes dead
sinspawn gui was a little hard but i thought it was more of a endurance than hard battle
2 phoenix downs and hes dead
sinspawn gui was a little hard but i thought it was more of a endurance than hard battle

I kept trying to get the Overkill extra AP, & was killed in the process. Also, the first time through I didn't notice it was a zombie.
i used phoenix downs too on the zombie evrae, best tactic imo
especially if your main team is Tidus, Yuna and Auron, and Wakka and Rikku are untrained..

but the toughest boss imo was the huge fiend that comes after you get out of the mountain caverns of Gagazet, the one that uses photon wing or something, well he was quite annoying

also that boss Tidus had to run away from in the beginning, near the entrance of Anima's temple(Baaj), don't know if it's optional or not, but considering you have to beat him to get Anima, i assume he isn't

his petrification is really annoying if you forget to equip stoneproof and again with a weak Wakka and Rikku it ain't a pleasure, it was basicly Tidus vs him, since the other 2 were either dead, or using pots and no fighting :/
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I cant really remember their names but i do know it HAD to be before or right after Yunalesca. I had created better weapons, even better then the final ones.
I exceeded damage and HP limits right away.
i did use one of Rikkus weapons that had GILLIONAIRE, then i went to the OMEGA RUINS and waited to fight the mimics,thats a TON of Gil!
Then i started bribing enemies when i reached max Gil point.
Do NOT forget to BRIBE the ULTIMA WEAPON for 99 pendulums, and the GREAT MARLBORO for 60 or i think 80 WINGS TO DISCOVERY
Capture all the enemies around Spira and fight the CREATED MONSTERS
(the easier of the last couple) and occasionally youll get a really rare item called DARK MATTER( i think this Exceeds damage limit)
This is literally the easiest way to get Dark Matter and other EXTREMELY rare items.

Saying this, no boss was hard
Which Evrae... 1st or Evrae Altana(the 2nd one)
1st one was easy. have armor that protects againts Petrify and Poison, cast Slow, cast Hastega, rinse and repeat.
Now when your in the water ways, i kept the same equippment on the same three, If you have you have any Elixers, pummel him with them for he IS an Undead creature, simple megapotions work also just not as well.
The first Evrae was really hard for me because it made me realise just how much the team needed Yuna lol, and my levels were atrocious ast that point.

Yunalesca was so difficult. I dunno why I found her so much harder than the other enimies but the battl ejust dragged on and on and on and to be honest I completely bombed in that battle - took 5 attempts to kill her =/

I honestly don't understand why Seymour Flux was so difficult for other people though. I beat him on my first attempt like instantly - I just used all my aeons' overdrives so he only had about 15,000 HP and then i just used my parties overdrives after that lol, easy :)
I found the last few times you fought Seymour far too easy, which was one disappointing aspect of the game. As for what was really hard, I had a lot of problems facing the Evrae on the airship (before you arrive in Bevelle), just kept getting done in near the end. Also Yunalesca was tough, especially the constant zombie statuses (and the way you had to plan for when Yunalesca changed 'stages').
The only reason i probably found seymour hard was cause i never used yuna throughout the whole game untill the end when i super stated them
so all i had was like 2500 hp with 700 atk and the best ^_^
Yunaleasca and the First version of Evrae for me - on myt first runthrough i ended up breaking my controller after losing to evrae for the gazillionth time - i wither threw it at the wall or at my brother i was that pissed.

And Yunalesca made me break my tv remote >_< i threw that instead

HATE them both so much >_<