Hardest Boss

Ozma really was the only one i struggled with, infact that stupid bouncy ball did my head in. Didnt really have too many problems with the others, too be quite honest tho, any game you can complete in 12 hours cant really be that hard to be honest. (not that i have ever done it myself, it kinda takes the enjoyment out of the game i think if you are gunna go thru it that quickly)
Why does everyone say that it takes the enjoyment out of it? To get the excalibur 2 under 12 hours is only meant to be done after playing through the game multiple times so you get to know the storyline and how to beat each boss. And actually getting the excalibur 2 is actually EXTREMELY hard.
Why does everyone say that it takes the enjoyment out of it? To get the excalibur 2 under 12 hours is only meant to be done after playing through the game multiple times so you get to know the storyline and how to beat each boss. And actually getting the excalibur 2 is actually EXTREMELY hard.

i don't doubt that for a second, but seriously, what is the point in getting this uber cool weapon right near the end of the game when you can't really put it too all that much use? I suspect I ought to have a go at it but i get too distracted and involved and il end up off on a side quest somewhere....them chocobos always suck me in, no matter WHAT FF i'm playing......
To get the weapon E2 (excalibur2) It takes true patience and ability to acquire it the E2 is the hardest weapon to achieve and only FF masters can get it.

I am yet to get it the closest i got was 12 hours 21 minutes

the hardest boos for me is still Gizmaluke
I didn't think that any of the bosses were "hard," really. There were a couple times when I was really worried that I was going to have a game over, though. Like when it's just Steiner and his lady friend fighting monsters in Alexandria, and there is a series of consecutive battles.

Other than that, I would have to say that it was hard to fight Kuja. 'Cause he's just that cute.

To get the weapon E2 (excalibur2) It takes true patience and ability to acquire it the E2 is the hardest weapon to achieve and only FF masters can get it.

I am yet to get it the closest i got was 12 hours 21 minutes

the hardest boos for me is still Gizmaluke

I don't know if im a master but im certainly no novice - i know VII & VIII back to front - i have done all optional extras in IX (discounting excalibur...obviously) Iv been stuck on Dark Bahamut for some time on X but have completed every other aspect of the game other than DArk Bahamut, Anima & the magus sisters. I guess it's just a matter of opinion really regarding the Excalibur - I never really enjoyed the game all that much to be honest so have only ever gone thru it a grand total of twice anyhoo.....
i thaught the hardest boss to beat in the game was that book that you figh in the library of the castle its optonal but i still havent beaten him...
I have to admit; seldom have I actually played this game fairly. It's an old pirate game and the person who made it for me was kind enough to stick some cheats at the beginning of the game, i.e. infinite strength/speed etc for Zidane and Vivi, with an added "Infinite Gil" option and more often than not I take advantage of at least one of the options. This time, however, I've decided to finally play it fairly and I'm appreciating it much more.

As of yet, I've only just managed to defeat Ark and I'm not entirely certain how difficult future battles will be, but I must confess that Beatrix caused me a fair bit of trouble. Twice out of the three matches, I had to rely on the invisible timer to "win" the match. After her, it slipped my mind that Soulcage can catch fire, and so I used Fira/Phoenix on him, subsequently leading to my demise.

Lastly, I grudgingly admit that Gizamaluke gave me a bit of trouble.
Non of the bosses were all that hard if I didn't spend time trying to steal. I was always trying to steal EVERY item that each of them had so it took some time for each boss. The hardest boss to steal and beat was probably the Black Waltz in the Ice Cave. My characters were usually underleveled so it took a few tries to to beat it and still manage to acquire all the theived items.
None. FFIX is my favorite FF, and it's always a breeze to play through. A lot of the early FFs are chores to complete, but not FFIX.
I find that Guizmar (don't know the english name... Guisamaluk ?) is rather hard. And Beate too (first battle).

Ozma isn't so hard. The first time, I had beated it at lv.99 (I was a noob), but second time at lv.40 without any problem. Ans it's possible to beat it at lv.1 (there are some videos on Youtube..).
well...I'm a noob since I've just started playing this game.....and the hardest boss so far was The Master in the Evil Forest(if I got the name wrong then it's that plant which holds Garnet). I got like two times the Game Over screen....damn his thunder!
Hmm. I'd say Necron. When I was first time playing this game (it was the first FF game I beat), the last boss was incredibly hard for some reason. I didn't really care about the char development system and didn't bother leveling up either. Now when I think about it, I wonder how I ever managed to beat him with those stats, lol. Yeah, and Grand Cross was a pain in the ass. With some really bad luck you could get all your characters killed at once!

Also, Ark was pretty hard with Zidane, Vivi and Dagger. xD
There are some hardcore gamers out there, defeating every boss at level 1. To be honest with you, I'm not one of them.

My hardest would be beatrix. I just wasn't prepared for climhazzard, shock and thunder slash, which she did all in a row.
necrons grand cross can be easily avoided if you ribbon your characters(equip all immune abilitiey like jelly,antibody,locomotion etc)

id have to say ark it took me forever to beat it with steiner,vivi,garnet and zidane