Hardest final fantasy VIII boss? anyone?

Ultima Snake

Blue Mage
Sep 2, 2010
Ipswich, United Kingdom
ok people i have already got a thread for the final fantasy VII boss now what do we think about final fantasy VIII? For me it had to be Ultima Weapon, for some reason i had a very hard time against it at first, after i leveled up like hell i got him in the end. :squall::seifer:
Mate, Maaate, Maaaaate!
(Im sure there is a thread like this?)

Hardest boss:hmmm: IDRK?

Well if talking about your first time through the game it would have to be..........Fujin and Raijin, they whupped my ass consecutively, so I left Balamb and went and levelled some
and was wondering what all the abilities were I was learning.

After the 1st playthrough no boss really gave me trouble save Omega Weapon........9998 Hp damage.....really!:rage:
Have you tried Omega weapon also. Both Ulitma and Omega were undoubtedly the strongest bosses for me.
First time through the game it might've been the Brothers....not 100% sure though, it was so long ago (actually my first FF ever!). But by the time I got through the game, it was most definitely Omega weapon. Had to sorta develop my own way to beat him. Did a speed thing, as opposed to a strength thing. Had my Ultimas junctioned to my speed stat, so I was able to attack him several times before he hit his third attack (the one that does 9998 damage to everybody) and I was able to win. It was awesome.
I agree, Omega is by far the hardest (considering you don't cheat with heroes or holy wars!). I love this game and have clocked it more times than i have fingers (i have all my fingers btw) but i wish they put some insane bosses in it as once you have the junctioning system mastered and are max level even omega is easy in my opinion.
Hmm Diablos comes to mind. I can't really define him as being 'hard', just a big pain in the ass.
The Brothers were also a big pain in the ass.
Omega,, he was hard
Brothers are hard for an under levelled party, Good defence, Regen, Mower and there double team Attack.......But of you go in to battle unhealthy, as in have your HP in the yellow
and reel of several rounds of Renzokuken they fall easily.
There is an easy way to beat Omega boss.

1. Have Zell/Irvine (with 99 AP Ammo), Squall, Riona
2. Max everyone weapon, Junction Triple to SPEED, get all the speed and auto haste you can
3. The most important; Riona should only learn the limit break. "Angelo Strike, Wishing Star,and Invincible Moon"
4. Riona must have "Initiative" skill
5. When battle start, cross your fingers that Omega use his gay skill that leave all party member with 1 or 2 hp. Have Riona do the limit break with 33% of getting Invincible Moon. Once Invincible Moon is up and running, Limit break Until Omega die.
There is an easy way to beat Omega boss.

1. Have Zell/Irvine (with 99 AP Ammo), Squall, Riona
2. Max everyone weapon, Junction Triple to SPEED, get all the speed and auto haste you can
3. The most important; Riona should only learn the limit break. "Angelo Strike, Wishing Star,and Invincible Moon"
4. Riona must have "Initiative" skill
5. When battle start, cross your fingers that Omega use his gay skill that leave all party member with 1 or 2 hp. Have Riona do the limit break with 33% of getting Invincible Moon. Once Invincible Moon is up and running, Limit break Until Omega die.

The speed junction is cool. You can get the same effect though by casting aura on everyone and using a holy war....Other than that I may use that speed tactic when I get around to it..
^Make sure your party's at a low level though, otherwise Omega (and all others enemies) become stronger. Probably the biggest reason why so many people struggled with VIII is because they didn't know that the enemies level up when you level up.

I don't really remember having that much trouble with anyone in VIII, though Cerberus was a bit of a bitch. Tripe~Quake wasn't very nice at first, but dispel just took care of that.

Once you get Aura and Meltdown though pretty much every boss isn't that hard.
Once you get Aura and Meltdown though pretty much every boss isn't that hard.

Although Omega would be the one that stands out for me, I just make sure I have Protect and Shell on at all times, spam the hell out of megalixirs (Why thank you Bahamut card) and spam limits like i've never spammed before.

Although it does take a certain degree of luck, I think that it's one of the hardest fights.

Ultima's bad for it as well, because I tend to try and rush in with an underjunctioned party, and I find it easier junctioning 100 Ultimas for everyone in that fight alongside Eden. So I have to concentrate on healing a lot as well, although Recover and Revive are amazing in that regard.
If we're talking main storyline bosses, I don't remember any of them being very hard. Some of the regular enemies were a lot harder. :lew: The Elvoret battle was really long though and kind of annoying. :hmph:

For optional bosses, it was definitely Omega Weapon. I never actually beat him either. I would manage to survive for a long time but he would eventually get me with Terra Break. :rage:

I may go back and try to fight him again actually. Then I will have conquered that entire game. :mokken:
Omega weapon was the toughest fer me,and if you didn't have "doors to tomorow" it was impossible to beat him! You can acquire doors to tomorow by converting playing card ,but i dont remember of who!!!!
To me ultimecia was the hardest boss. Having to fight her 3 times is hard not only on my characters but also on my potion supplies lol
The hardest boss battles in Final Fantasy VIII are Ultima Weapon, Omega Weapon and Ultimecia.

Ultima Weapon- The thing that makes this boss so difficlt to defeat is that it has a one hit kill attack which is called "Light Pillar". This boss has high speed, power, and a descent HP which in max level can be at 250,000 HP.

Omega Weapon- This is the hardest boss in Final Fantasy VIII because it contains powerful attacks such as Meggido Flame, Meteor, Graviga, Lv 5 Death and Terra Break. He is faster and stronger than Ultima Weapon with over 1,000,000 HP.

Ultimecia- This final boss can pack a punch if you aren't equiped right. She has some nasty attacks like Apocalypse and Hell Judgement which are from her final form. She also has lots of HP with some heavy hitter spells too. That's why I choose her as one of the hardest boss in FFVIII.
Mate, Maaate, Maaaaate!
(Im sure there is a thread like this?)

Hardest boss:hmmm: IDRK?

Well if talking about your first time through the game it would have to be..........Fujin and Raijin, they whupped my ass consecutively, so I left Balamb and went and levelled some
and was wondering what all the abilities were I was learning.

After the 1st playthrough no boss really gave me trouble save Omega Weapon........9998 Hp damage.....really!:rage:

What he said. Although they're easier than my first playthrough I still can't let my guard down against Raijin and Fujin. One who is super strong and one who spams powerful magic makes for a very dangerous combination. Luckily Fujin doesn't have any healing spells. Not including special bosses since Omega Weapon will easily be the most voted.
Storyline bosses, the last form of Ultimacia was difficult for me even being well levelled, just took so many hits to wear the thing down.
None of the storyline bosses were really hard for me. Optional, however, Omega Weapon. I beat him for the first time, two months ago. It took me several tries, from not remembering the order of his attacks. When I did beat him, I was very lucky, getting Invincible Moon a lot. He gave me a harder time than Ultimecia. lol
I didn't like the battle with Diablos. It would've been much easier if I wasn't such a greedy pig about his spells XD But noooo I had to risk it by drawing...1 more time...
Sadly I never finished the game. I managed to get all the way to the beginning of the 4th disk until I got stuck fighting Sorceress Idel(?), and for an unknown reason it was nearly impossible to get enough EXP to level up with with the beasts inside of the area. So for me, the hardest boss (that I haven't even gotten past yet) is Sorceress Idel.