Hardest final fantasy VIII boss? anyone?

Hmm...first playthrough battle would have to be X-ATM092. If you don't know he's there and don't save you have to go through Elvoret again. I should know; I ragequit when I was 8 because of that.

However I'd have to say the most challenging boss besides the weapons is the Mobile Type 8. Corona knocks you down to 1 HP then it follows up with Medigo Flare to kill you. Got to be quick there. I usually started with a Triple spell on someone at the start and triple-Curagad with high mag for like 6k hp.
:hmmm: Hardest bosses?

Diablos, Ultimate Weapon and Omega Weapon. That's pretty much it for me, Ultimecia was, after the first playthrough, a boss i'd beat if i decided i wanted to spam Aura, then lionheart for the next half hour while listening to the awesome music <3
Diablos was a big pain in the ass, since he used his gravity magic crap on me all the time. -__-

Ultima was not that hard, since I fought him at high levels and my guys were really strong and stuff.

Omega was a bitch, though. After him kicking my ass in rapid fashion, I said to hell with him, and didn't try again.
Omega and Ultima aside none of the bosses really gave me a terrible time. Biggest pain in the asses outside of the bosses, for me at least, ruby dragons.

Malboros nark me as well - even with 'initiative', as soon as I drop in I get hit with 'bad breath' before I can get Carbuncle up and running.
Make sure you have someone with sleep junctioned on the status attack, make them hit and nighty night.

Worked for me on just about everything, except for those damn ruby dragons.
I didn't find Ultima hard at all, I just used that item that would make the whole party invincible. For me first time play through it would be Diablos.. man that surprised me.. just like mentioned before it was gravity that was a killer and I thought I had to beat him as soon as you got the lamp!
I did too, which was why it was so hard for me.

And against Ultima, I didn't even need to use those 'cheating' items, I just followed a certain guide I found online, and it worked.
I can't believe you guys needed guides for Ultima. The only real attack it has is the Light Pillar. Everyone with Full-Life/Revive takes care of that easy. And using the invincible items is cheap. The only way I'd accept that is through Invincible Moon and only if Rinoa had Angelo learn everything else first. Then its just luck that that happens not Gilgamesh refining.
Just out of curiousity, is it possible for Odin to appear and take out any of the bosses?

His appearances seem random and I've never had him show up and NOT take out the enemy with one attack, even a Marlboro'.
It's not so much that I NEEDED the guide to beat him, I needed the guide to figure out where the hell to go, and did a quick glance to see what he did.
Just out of curiousity, is it possible for Odin to appear and take out any of the bosses?


I'd say that Omega Weapon is the obvious answer here, but he's designed to be very difficult so I don't necessarily count him.

As far as regular bosses go, I'd say Diablos if you fight him early enough (and why wouldn't you?). He was quite tough for early in Disc 1 even though the majority of his attacks are Gravity-based. It's hard to die...but it's also hard to properly deal damage, especially since you usually only have a few Junction slots available.

I never found too many bosses to be difficult, honestly...their levels match your own throughout the game and once you get Aura nothing is difficult anymore. :wacky:

Hmm...first playthrough battle would have to be X-ATM092. If you don't know he's there and don't save you have to go through Elvoret again. I should know; I ragequit when I was 8 because of that.

However I'd have to say the most challenging boss besides the weapons is the Mobile Type 8. Corona knocks you down to 1 HP then it follows up with Medigo Flare to kill you. Got to be quick there. I usually started with a Triple spell on someone at the start and triple-Curagad with high mag for like 6k hp.

i would also have to agree with Gavin on the fact that X-ATM092 was a pain in the ass. the damn thing kept lowering my hp to 1 and then I DIE!!!!!!!!!!! stupid X-ATM092...................
Honestly, hardest (required) boss is Ultimecia. Almost impossible without Lionheart.

I beg to differ. I did not have the Lionheart, and that boss was not that difficult. Hell, the only ultimate weapon I had was for someone I didn't even use. I'd say the hardest part about that boss was killing off everyone to get to my main guys.