Harlequin and his stop it

ok i give up you win :wacky: you can have the title of multiquoter :lew:
I know I've been gone for a bit...but apparently I've missed something here :hmmm:

...and Tom, multiquoting like that should be illegal :awesome:
One time it was raining and a speeding truck was coming at Harelquin as he was trying to play Frogger. Harlequin said "Stop it" and let's just say, the truck and rain both stopped. Harlequin achieved a real life record on Frogger, and also won 12 Super Bowls.
Pfft, Chuck Norris. He's nothing special! Samuel L Jackson could take Chuck Norris. So could Morgan Freeman (whom I call God since he seems to play God quite a bit in movies).