Have you ever been so angry

Dude, it was pretty much just wailing. I actually nailed the WOOOOAHHHH's mind, but the rest of it, oh my days.... xD

At least my kareokeying cant get any worse after that performance xD
Alas no air guitaring, though there was ALOT of giggling
I'd rather watch an hour of Vicki Pollard:


Yeah but no but yeah but no but..............I dinnea ken what happen?

Classy english lasses.......
Good job your not invited then innit :]

You only live once, and I plan to enjoy it and if that involves making a fool out of myself, who cares as long as I'm having a laugh
Sounds like a pretty epic night, now I want to do karaoke even more

I keep thinking about heading home later and INSISTING i was sober, when I quite clearly wasnt hahahaha
..............I dinnea ken

Classy english lasses......

also, lrn your phrases, thats a scottish one
I love claiming I'm sobre and usually think I really am, until I'm alone in the bathroom and I realise oh gosh I'm polluted
i tend to be ok, then all of a sudden my legs go all bandy :lew:
its more like she bitchslapped her than anything

i wonder if anyone besides that one guy

will ever have the balls to tell simon to go get his literally concave penis fucked and go die in a fire. :monster:
Ahahahaha, I had a giggle fit about this when (I think it was Ryan) pasted this in the SB.

"She poonched ur in the fay-seh, Simon!" :lew: :lew:
My legs usually stay sturdy enough, reminds me though I have a night out on town tomorrow so yay

I cant walk straight at the best of times, never mind in 4 inch heels and pissed 8F

Il be hungover tomorrow :sad3:
he has a concave nob?

I am pretty sure.

I don't think Simon could live without being able to say the words


or he'd at least start doing drugs if he didn't kill himself :monster:
Im not going out, its me and my partner in crime, secveral bottles of wine at mine

So chances are, Il be online and pissed at some point

andpossibly out of pocket if i foolishly decide to buy a certain ticket i rly rly shouldnt xD