Having some trouble >:(


Chocobo Breeder
Aug 30, 2009
This is for the very last section of Dissidia.

It's beginning to frustrate me a whole lot.
In the last portion of Dissidia, there are a few characters that have levels in the 90's.
I'm using Cloud Strife, I am level 100. I have the best equipment I can possibly buy, but no matter what, every single time I take BRV damage from a CPU character, I get Break instantly, they deal about 150-2500 every single hit in a combo. not just one hit. I'm finding this difficult and frustrating.
Is anyone else having the same problem? It would be awesome for some hits or anything at all at this point.
Here's something to think about: Summonstone.
The way it seems, when I read your post, is that you don't really think counters xD You just go in and smack things around hoping to win. Hopefully I'm wrong =)

Here's what I would do.
Equip your normal equipment, but change your Summonstone to Odin (Not Auto). This will give you the chance to break THEIR BRV and give you the power to destroy them. It's a 50% chance to break, which is quite nice =) Once you DO break, however, don't let them hit you again. Time your actions like a pro. When they come at you, block, then retaliate. If they are the ones who usually block you, then you have to block them back.

Cloud is a very slow BRV attacker, but his power is leathal. Use it wisely. Time it well. Save your HP attacks until the end =) You should only need to unleash one or two.

Good luck.
...do you mean Inward Chaos?
No, no, no.
Inward Chaos isn't part of the story, and it's full of level 97-120 enemies with the best AI possible and the best gear possible.
It is VERY, VERY hard. I suggest that you try getting the Ultima Weapon (I think I'm going to make a thread on how to get it) and get some good gear from item drops from Friend Cards (Probably gonna make a thread on that too.). And play it safe. If you get hit, it's going to hurt. So don't get hit! 8F
It's kind of hard not to be hit xD Granted, I do it all the time (not getting hit), but not everyone is like me :3

This game's difficulty only really rises after the Lvl 95 mark. I noticed that the CPU AI just doesn't compete if you face a Lvl 90 with a Lvl 95. It's as though those 5 levels made the AI into a Superman clone <.<

This is where a player's skill in Dodge Mastery, Timing, and familiarity comes into play. If you know your opponent's moves and what they look like when they execute it, and your personal skills with dodging, and timing, are advanced, then you won't have TOO much trouble with these guys =) Though, if you end up losing anyway, don't get mad at the game. Retry!! xD After beating one, the rest become like... the same as that one xD It doesn't get easier from here on ^-^ So, keep it up! Your Lvl 100 cap compared to their Lvl 100+ is what makes you a pro (if you can constantly win xD)
Yeah, thanks for the help really. I just wish I hadn't learned before you posted to help X). But I've made it all the way to Chaos and fighting him pretty much makes me feel like throwing my PSP through my wall while chewing on broken shards of glass. I'm using Magic pot to beat his first level quickly but so far, I have yet to beat his second form. I am thinking about putting this part of the game on hold for a bit to get the Ultima weapon with your post you made on it :D. But at any rate you're very right on the leveling issue. Now that I'm at Chaos, I realize that everything else was a cake walk before it. Seriously, Sephiroth has to have the worst AI in the game. I worked him first try and he's over lvl100.
I think they did that on purpose, simply because some of Sephiroth's attacks are pure hax, lol.

Anyway, I wish I would've responded to this topic sooner. I don't have that kind of trouble with Cloud (my main fighter) at all. You just have to use him based on his strengths and weaknesses.

In Cloud's case, he's a powerhouse. His Brave and HP attacks are lethal, and he's got great Knock-Back source. So the draw back, of course, is his ground speed. How to get around that? As mentioned here by SkyE, you anticipate and counter against certain foes more than you'd pursue. The timing and anticipation is important to his true effectiveness.

I'll engage them, but won't really force an attack against the faster (high leveled) foes until opportunity arises. Let them strike, defend or dodge, and strike back. Even if you get hit, you'll be doing a lot more damage (consistently) than they will. So don't be afraid to wait it out a bit, because if you push it and miss a lot, it makes things pretty difficult.

You don't always have to play as a counter, but it really helps in the tougher circumstances. His power is certainly undeniable.

Also, when striking them, try to send them against platforms or walls or something so you have them kind of trapped. I wouldn't let them get "far", to where they can kind of regroup and reproach. And lastly, keep him with lighter equipment.

Just my advice. I'd like to think I use Cloud pretty effectively.
Yeah, that's what I was doing to get as far as Chaos. But once I got that far, I couldn't get passed his 2nd form. Just kept loosing. so I quit out to get better equipment. I'm trying to get the Ultima weapon now.
thanks for the help everyone. :P
Sadly, this game relies heavily on the Equipment and Accessories Builds of your characters. The difference in THIS fighting game, compared to others, is that there are Statistics xD There is no way a Lvl 1 could NORMALLY (reference to Shinryuu's exploit of that certain map <.<) defeat a Lvl 100. Even if the player's skill is high in level, the character they're using isn't matching up with it due to lack of Ability. Mind you, a Lvl 1 going up against a Lvl 10 on Minimal CPU Str can still win xD

You need to realise that your BRV, after Lvl 95, is your second most important thing in the game. The first most important is......

Your costume.

You gotta look good when you fight, don't ya?~ xD
Seriously, though. Without your DMG being high enough, they won't feel anything from your awesome powers. You'll notice that they seem to have higher ATK and DEF than you by at least 10 all the time. You must know, by now, that even those 10 points can totally screw you over. Your BRV DMG becomes lower because he's got such a high DEF. The way to counter this is to have a high Ini. BRV xD I found fighting the higher levels so much easier since I got the Hero's Seal (+50% Ini. BRV). It really boosts you up, and makes the battle so much easier.

In every battle, from now on, you must not neglect your R and your R+X. Blocking and Dodging is a key element to this game. Do not EVER under-abuse them. Even if they don't do anything, blocking RIGHT in front of them is NEVER a bad thing. Strangely enough, there is no AI in this game that will attack you with HP attacks (that you can't dodge) when you block. They might pick up that you're just charging in to block, but they won't do anything xD When you Dodge against an AI, they won't always try to fight you, but when they do, you are given the most glorious opportunity to punish their body until they cry for mercy (which you won't give them :3)

Because you are Cloud, you don't really need to rely on your EX Mode. Don't let that fool you into believing that you don't need it xD It's always nice to have a full EX Gauge just incase you're being screwed over, have been inflicted with Break, and are about to die. This is where having Odin (Manual) comes in handy. You are inflicted with Break, but you deny his HP Attack with your EX Mode. You recover from your Break, and you charge at them, dodge, using your Braver, and as you land your initial hit with it, activate Odin, break their BRV, and boost yours, and unleash your glorious Omnislash upon his dead ass. <.< Perfect. Trust me. Having a full EX Guage is never a bad thing xD It's saved me so many times, and, when executed right, you can turn that battle around like an hourglass.

Final note until next time: Chaos is one hax'd up mother. Dodge. Don't even care about blocking that guy. All of his attacks are combos. Not only that, they aren't blockable xD They stagger you, and if he had Riposte on, you'd be screwed. Dodge, and Braver (if you're Cloud xD). Don't worry. If you do it right, he can't break you =)
Oh, and remember to optimise your Equipment and Accessories!

Good luck.
This is a rally good post.

Sadly, this game relies heavily on the Equipment and Accessories Builds of your characters.
Indeed. The only thing I'd like to say here is that I don't think the game "relies" on Equips and Acessories so much, but it's just that, when you get in the tougher matches against the highest levels and such, it's what makes up the difference between the great and the superb. When you get to like the "Shade Impulse" section of the story, its the equipment of the opponent that usually makes their stats so high.

You need to realise that your BRV, after Lvl 95, is your second most important thing in the game. The first most important is......
This is especially good for Cloud. All else being equal, his Braves (and attacks in general) are so strong that you (in some matches) only need to use a couple HP attacks for a KO.

Seriously, though. Without your DMG being high enough, they won't feel anything from your awesome powers. You'll notice that they seem to have higher ATK and DEF than you by at least 10 all the time. You must know, by now, that even those 10 points can totally screw you over.
This is very true. It seems like the points work in an exponential system. It's crazy.

In every battle, from now on, you must not neglect your R and your R+X. Blocking and Dodging is a key element to this game. Do not EVER under-abuse them. Even if they don't do anything, blocking RIGHT in front of them is NEVER a bad thing. Strangely enough, there is no AI in this game that will attack you with HP attacks (that you can't dodge) when you block. They might pick up that you're just charging in to block, but they won't do anything xD When you Dodge against an AI, they won't always try to fight you, but when they do, you are given the most glorious opportunity to punish their body until they cry for mercy (which you won't give them :3)
This is all excellent advice. Indeed, parrying their attacks allows you take advantage of the brief "stun" very well. As soon as you block, you usually find good opportunity to strike back pretty hard. Dodging as well. Most characters have a brief lag after missing attacks (minus maybe the combo experts), and with Cloud's strength, you can really capitalize on that. R and R+X are very useful tools in bringing out his "counter bash" potential.

The rest is all very true as well. Really great post.
All that is great advice guys thanks a lot. Most of the time, I have lots of trouble with actually doing brave damage. I can't collect enough of it, and by the time i get a decent amount, I'll get hit by chaos and he'll get break. I wanna get better equipment, but its practically invisible to me.

My Equipment -
WEP -Ultima weapon
Glv - Skull wristlet
Helm - Rubicante's cowl
Chst - Cagnazzo's Carapace

Actual stats-
HP - 9079
Cp - 450 - I actually dont know what this does! lol
BRV - 896
Def - 153
LUK - 60

ACC are - standing still, in motion, attacking bravery, attacking hp, in midair, near opponent, far from opponent, lvl100, lvl= multiple of 2,4.
You were talking about a Hero seal? how do I get such a wonderful ACC?
All that is great advice guys thanks a lot. Most of the time, I have lots of trouble with actually doing brave damage. I can't collect enough of it, and by the time i get a decent amount, I'll get hit by chaos and he'll get break. I wanna get better equipment, but its practically invisible to me.

My Equipment -
WEP -Ultima weapon
Glv - Skull wristlet
Helm - Rubicante's cowl
Chst - Cagnazzo's Carapace

Actual stats-
HP - 9079
Cp - 450 - I actually dont know what this does! lol
BRV - 896
Def - 153
LUK - 60

ACC are - standing still, in motion, attacking bravery, attacking hp, in midair, near opponent, far from opponent, lvl100, lvl= multiple of 2,4.
You were talking about a Hero seal? how do I get such a wonderful ACC?

Here's a run down on the Stats (for anyone who reads this in the future):

HP - Health Points. Your life. Survival numbers. How much damage you can take before you die (unless you have certain Acc. on)
CP - Capacity Points. When you equip your Abilities, this number resembles how many Abilities you can equip. Every Ability has their own CN (Capacity Number) which is seen to the right of their name. This shows you how much you would need to handle having it equiped.
BRV - Your base BRV points. This is the amount of points you'll recieve at the start of the battle to use.
ATK - Your ability to deal DMG to the opponent. The higher, the better :3 Remember to think strategically, though.
DEF - Your ability to take DMG from the opponent. The higher, the better :3 Remember to think strategically, though.
LUK - Affects your Battlegen rate, and your Critical Rate. I'm not fully sure about this Statistic, but it's important. It also dictates where the EX Core will be. Closer to you, or your opponent.

Ok. To get the Hero's Seal, you just need to collect some items.
We're going to work backwards, so here it is:

Hero's Seal - Trade
6 Valor Incense
3 Valor Resin
3 Tome of Love

Valor Incense - Trade
1 Sealed Darkness
2 Guts Powder

Sealed Darkness can be obtained by breaking parts of the map in "World of Darkness" or Wall Rushing your opponent on that map.
Guts Powder can be obtained by inflicting Break on Tidus.
The chance of getting both of these items are quite high if you're facing your opponent at Lvl 50+

Valor Resin - Trade
3 Sealed Darkness
1 Geranium
1 Rosemary

Geranium and Rosemary can both be obtained by using DC Medals in the Airship course or by purchasing them in the shop after unlocking Airship Course's shop. They cost 2000 Gil each.

Tome of Love - Trade/DC
3 Elixir

Elixir can be obtained by using DC Medals in the Falcon Course.
Tome of Love can also by obtained throughout the DC courses. It is a droppable item from opponents. I'm not too sure on the drop rates and who drops them (if it's specific) but I know that it's droppable, and you can obtain it from the DC courses.

When you've got all these items, just make one xD You only need one. It's a Star Rank, so you can only equip one at a time anyway.

Good luck =)