Hello everyone.


Jan 18, 2007

My name is Ida and I'm 16 years old and from Sweden. I love music and movies, and my fave music is Westlife, and yes I am a internet-geek.

I am studying It and Media and hope thatg maybe, someday I could make games like. FF. I also have a huge interest in history, and love to write essay. (Told you I was a geek)

I guess you could call me a newbie, because I really am. I have never played a FF game in my life. But I have watched the movie Advent Children, and I loved it.

I am going to buy the game, but it's really confusing. What is the difference between FFVII Dirge of Cerebus and just FFVII? I feel that I need to know the difference before I buy a game.

Enough about me.
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Hey welcome post alot here meet some cool people here everyones niec so if you need helop just ask and about FF7 and dirge of cerberus
FF7- is the rpg that spawned all the other FF7 games and advent children it is quite an old game by today's standards but its a brillant game and a must play
Dirge of cerberus- is a third person shooter/adventure game set one year after advent children, vincent valentine is the main character if you dont already know that
erm hope that helped if you need any other help feel free to pm me i dont mind helpin'
FFVII is a couple years old, so you should be able to buy it. It is just very hard to track down, and is usually very expensive (I paid 35$ for mine)

Anyways, back to the topic, WELCOME!!!!!!!!!
lol, just kidding!

Have fun during your stay!

I asked a guy in a store called Game today and I thought he said that you couldn't buy FFVII or FFVIIDoC yet. But maybe I missunderstood him? I bought the movie Advent Chlidren today. I'm still in school, and I'm really nervous about what my mum is gonna say about me buying the movie when my best friend owns it...

But it's my money, right?

And I only had to pay 99 sek. (About 10 $) So it wasn't very expensive.

My mum is really bossy, and she hates when I dont do what she tells me to. But...she said don't by the GAME. And I didn't, I bought the movie.

I know I talk/write a lot when I'm nervous, or in my "writing mood" (not the case now though) and since I really like what I have seen of this site so far, and planning on staying you better get used to it.

Ok. I have a bus to catch. Ciao for now!
Hey I just joined too,
You interested in FFVII specifically? cause chances are you aint getting ahold of it, either ebay or a mate who bought it ages ago is your best chance of getting it.
Well you guys have fun and enjoy the forums, mmkay?
Be good and stay active and post a lot.
You interested in FFVII specifically? cause chances are you aint getting ahold of it, either ebay or a mate who bought it ages ago is your best chance of getting it.

Yeah, that and Dirge of Cerebus.

But I think I'll get it. I know some ppl that can get the game. Or at least they said that they could.

And thanx everone for welcoming me.