Hello Mellow Yellow ^_^


Dec 24, 2006
Hello everyone!^^ I found my way here by randomly clicking. :wink: I am a girl (for some reason people sometimes think I'm guy :mellow: ) and just extremely bored and decided to not get bored. How is it going? =D Well hope I get to know everyone! (I'm pretty friendly) :huh:

P.S. If I ever get strangely hyper, just ignore me. :wacky:
Hi Esha, welcome to the forums! Feel free to PM me if you need anything....see you around! :)
Awww, I was hoping there would be Mellow Yellow I can't get enough of the stuff .... Well hello and welcome I don't mind Hyper People they very entertaining. I'll be looking forward to your posts!
Welcome Welcome!!! *skips around*

Hope you have a awesome time here, it is such a friendly place, just get chatting and posting and you should be away in no time ^.^ enjoy
Yeah, it does sound nerdy, but so long as everyone obeys the rules, everyone has fun, specially the admins. I believe a forum's reputation is deadly important to keep pretty, so long as you don't go above me in terms of troublemaking (which I'm usually right at the line at "Barely tolerable" and "Immediate banning") you'll be fine.

The three things that piss off people are constant spamming (And I mean to an unbelievable rate), uptight assumption of racism, sexism and the like(not EVERYONE means to insult everything), and of course, advertisement. (I'm not to uptight about that rule, but the admins sure are.) Swearing, even in large amounts, may not be a big deal, so long as you use 'em in the right context. If you purposely say, "F***, this b**** is s***!!" people may not like it.

Anyways, sorry for going all admin on yeah, but I felt like saying it.
Hello Esha, and welcome to the forums! I hope you like it here. Remember to read the rules, and have a great time! See you around!
