

ShinRa Guard
Nov 1, 2007
In the sky.
Hello, my name is rikku.thief. (Though you can obviously see that.) I do hope to be a regular at this forum. If I make mistakes or am starting controversial actions, please tell me and I'll resolve them as quickly and smoothly as possible. In case you're wondering a little more about me, I don't have many talents, but I have several interests.

What talents I do have involves soccer (aka. football), writing, and acting. I played soccer for two years, and I mean complete years. Spring, summer, fall, and winter. I usually write only when I have the motivation, inspiration, and a good mood. I have been acting for almost three years. I plan to audition for the spring play here at my college, called "Fool For Love," by Sam Shepard.

My interests would definitely by RPG video games. I also listen to much music. My favorite genre is Japanese Rock, though I do also listen to English and Thai rock. My favorite band is Ajikan, short for Asian Kung-Fu Generation. Though I have many other bands and artists that I absolutely adore.

Regarding my love for Final Fantasy, I would have to say my favorite game is Final Fantasy X. I just absolutely love the characters. Sadly, and deeply unforunate, I have never played Final Fantasy VII. I'm currently going through Final Fantasy XII, since my brother has finally let me take it.

Wow, I did ramble alot. But, I definitely did introduce myself and likes. If you're actually interested in my dislikes, I suppose you could PM me, if you honestly care that much. I do hope to be quite active in the forums, however. So you may discover things about me throughout my posts, then. ^^ I do hope to be welcomed here, and I will do my best to make friends with everyone.
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Well, I'll take out a few paragraphs and do your favor. Sorry about the long intro. I suppose my knack for writing has the best of me.
Don't listen to this football stuff. D:<

Just kidding, call it what you wish. :P Hai and welcome to the forums.
I believe Japan also calls it soccer, though?
Thank you very much for welcoming me, Jeremiah.
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