

Chocobo Breeder
Nov 24, 2007
Lancaster, UK
Thought i may aswell begin by posting here.
Ive been a huge fan of FF ever since i was first introduced to it about 7 years ago. I began with FF8, absolubtely loved it. Same went for 7.
9 Ive never played as its commonly seen as an awful game, though i have a rough idea of what it is about.
I liked 10 when it first came out, but now i think the only good thing about it is Blitzball.
recently almost completed 12 in a couple of weeks, but its really not a true FF game in my opinion.
Unfortunately ive never had the privilidge of playing 6, considered by many the best FF of all time.

Last year was my 1st year at Uni, and during that year, between us me and a friend completey owned FF8. Doing a No Junction game (Killing every boss except ultimecia so far, and yes that includes Omega! :) )
Also ran through through a broken game, getting every final weapon on disk 1, etc.
Aswell as completing a number of personal challenges we set ourselves, such as beating Ultemecia on a normal game, but without defeating any of her servants 1st.

I decided to join up here having just started FF7 again. Ive completed it twice before i think, and managed to get my hands on a copy of the game from my mate. Actualy two copies, but the first i was running on my laptop, until my laptop died :(.
Having run through the game before normally, this time im going for a perfect game. Looking at doing a no materia game too, though compared to 8's no junction that should be easy. If anyone has any other challenges for me let me hear them! :)

Anyway, its good to be here. If youve read through all that, Congratulations :P and Thanks!

Deceiver (/Ed)
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A decent challenge for FFVII is the "Initial weapons challenge", where you have to keep the first weapons you get with the character, and can only use the initial materia they have, although you can switch that around the characters. Other good challenges are single character only ones where you can only use a certain character all the way through the game. Anyway. Welcome to FFF, and hope to see you posting around some more ^_^
Wow, fast response, thanks :)

Also wondering why this post didnt seem to register, the forum message is still telling me to post my 1st message in the 7th Heaven Inn lol
Hello and welcome to Final Fantasy Forums!

You should really play Final Fantasy IX, in my opinion it is a great game, almost as good as Final Fantasy VI (which is the greatest of the Final Fantasys).