ShinRa Guard
Hiya! I was browsing the web and I found this website, so I decided to sign up. My name (well, my pen name) is Mingchan. I'm born on the 31st of October, and my age, weight and height shall be kept confidential for very good reasons. I live in a place that literally means Muddy Delta, and I am still school-going. I enjoy writting music and fan fiction though I never can finish things, and my favourite Final Fantasy game at the moment is Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions. I am a proud supporter of Yuffentine, and I have yet to play Final Fantasy X, X-2 and 12, the two formers because I just don't seem to like it for some reason, and the latter because I just don't have time. I'll try to post as much as possible, but given my current state at the moment, that might be difficult. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to my hopefully long stay here at the Final Fantasy Forums.
Nice to meet'cha.
Nice to meet'cha.