help..couldnt get in-why?!


ShinRa Guard
Mar 9, 2007
there is a teleport crystal near where we fought those trents if i remember it correctly and near this teleport crystal have two bunny gurls but i cant seem to get in why is that. guides doesnt help that much.i got curious what is it that i am missing??!
Just approech where the path is supposed to be, then a ! will appear above your head, then just select "talk to the forest/wood"
i think you are talking about eryut village
well maybe you have to find myrn in the henne mines before you can go back in there
that's not it...

im not talking about the eruyt village... i know how to get in there. i meant about gate crystal south of that village there are two bunny gurls there but i cant seem to get in
Yeah, you have to talk to someone in Eryut Village or whatever and they somehow give you something called "Mjrn's Tear" or wahtever and it allows you to walk through those portals. I'm guessing you're referring to the big blue portals in the Grimore Jungle.
not that...

that is not what i meant... there is a gate crystal in Golmore Jungle
i think its located in parting glade and there is a wood-bunny chick standing there but i cant seem to get in... anyway been inside?!

yep that is exactly what im talking about - the bunny chick. is it really inaccessible or is part of the side quest?!

actually i was kinda stupid that i asked the question only realizing that that pathway doesnt lead anywhere new... i really just thought it would that is why i asked that... i only realized it later when i really looked my map carefully hehe