Help Me On KH1!


Sep 17, 2007
Who would have ever thought I'd need help, but the reality is that I do. I am mighty stuck, I'd say, and I need your help to get me movin'. If not, then I'll go and get a bloody Walkthrough -_-

First, some information on where I'm at.

Worlds Found: Traverse Town, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, Olympus Coliseum, Agrabah, Atlantica, Monstro, Halloween Town.

Keyholes Locked: Traverse Town, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, Agrabah, Atlantica.

And here are my questions that I want you to answer in order to help me:

Question 1: What do I do in Monstro? I've seen Riku and Pinoccio there but I have no idea what to do next.

Question 2: How do I unlock the Pegasus Cup in the Olympus Coliseum?

Question 3: What's the best place to train myself because I need to lock Haloween Town >.>

That's about it. I do need help!
K well here goes..... 1.)Im pretty sure that after you see riku and pinnochio you just have to go deeper in monstro, and if there is a ledge that you thought you wouldn't reach try it.... there is a way, then i'm pretty sure the next thing you will find is the boss. 2.)after you beat the phill cup go to the warphole next to agrabah and go to the hole all the way to the right then youll be in monstro and you have to beat it in order to get the pegasus cup 3.)the best place to train would probably BE halloween town, just go back and forth through screens and massacre the enemies until you level up some then go kill Oogie.
K well here goes..... 1.)Im pretty sure that after you see riku and pinnochio you just have to go deeper in monstro, and if there is a ledge that you thought you wouldn't reach try it.... there is a way, then i'm pretty sure the next thing you will find is the boss. 2.)after you beat the phill cup go to the warphole next to agrabah and go to the hole all the way to the right then youll be in monstro and you have to beat it in order to get the pegasus cup 3.)the best place to train would probably BE halloween town, just go back and forth through screens and massacre the enemies until you level up some then go kill Oogie.

In Monstro, I know what you mean and I tried countless time to jump to that place and everytime I failed -__-

Thank you so much for your help though. It means a lot to me.
i dont know how to help with only words i would need to be there

i beat the game in like 4 days and i have kh2 and beat it even faster. still dont have kh3 tho :(
I think she has got it all figured out now CF. But yeah i agree it would be a whole lot easier to help if i had the game in front of me and what not.
ok but i can tell u were to get oblivion (very good key blade) at in the future. altho i dont know how to tell u without spoilers so ill tell u only if u ask :)
i dont know how to help with only words i would need to be there

i beat the game in like 4 days and i have kh2 and beat it even faster. still dont have kh3 tho :(

First off, please don't double post

Second, as this is the help booth, post only if you can help, your posts are unecessary

and third, re. your LAST post, that's why the forum gods invented spoiler tags, use them.

And I return to point 2, only post in a help thread if you are willing to help, as the OP has specifically ASKED for help, you could stick your advice in the aforementioned spoiler tags
ok but i can tell u were to get oblivion (very good key blade) at in the future. altho i dont know how to tell u without spoilers so ill tell u only if u ask :)

That's alright, I know how to get Oblivion ;) But thank you for your offer anyway :)

Thank you all :gasp: