Help help on a hunt


Nov 5, 2006
need some help hunting the cluckatrice. im told the general area of where it is and that it hides when you go near. ive asked the kids around and the only hint is that they use herbs to keep monsters away from them but nothing else. ive checked some plants but they dont do anything. can someone help me out here?
Just exit the SE (lower right) part of the village, you'll see them after walking a little. I had the same problem at first so I just went out, went back in and saved then went out again and they were right there.
you have to kill all of the enemies in the area east of the villiage, then exit the area and return. The cluckatrice should be there that the one where you have to kill all the Wu, leave, come back and that big two legged thing is there?
well I started doing hunts....I'm on the croakadile one.... killed it and now I have to take the ring to some chick....wheres the girl lol
She only appeard on dry season.
If its still rainy season, wait and go on with the story.
It will dry after some story events.
She is not the petitioner.
The ring he is talking about is a side-quest which is available after the Croc hunt.
She stands near where the petitioner stands during rainy day.
kill all monters in north bank then leave the area and return to it you will find the cluckatrice
Once You're In The Village In Giza Plains, You Should Exit The Village Southeast. Should You Be Facing The Crystal, The Exit's On Your Left.

Just Kill Off Everything There And Return And You Should See The Cluckatrice.
didnt want to start a new thread so im just little confused. im trying to get the gil snapper in Giza plain(rainy season) i cut down all the trees i cross over them, Killed all the turtles on the map but no gil snapper whats the deal. the kid said it shows when the rain is heavy well how do you get the rain to get heavy? is it a matter of luck?
Nah just keep zoning in and out. The rain will get harder after a few zones and he'll appear.
im not too sure the weather patterns have anything to do with the story events. After leveling for about an hour, I returned to south gate and noticed the sky changed. Went out and indeed the rains were done, and the dry was in. This happened without any story events in between.
The actual map terrain changes with storyline. The actual weather can change , rain to shine and what not.
I'm having problems defeating the Gil Snapper. I've been using Quickenings to get him down to a managable level, but once I do that, either one of the Silicone Tortoise things gets in the game and takes my characters attention, or he cleanses himself of my Silence spell and almost immediately casts Blizzara. I'm at level 25-26 with all of my characters with at least 2 Quickenings. Three of them have 3. I'm getting frustrated... help???