help please!!


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 27, 2006
i just got the stone of the condemor from the acolyte, and man is zeromus a tuff cookie, him with all his ghouls makes it tough specially when he cast stop on your people.
anyone have any advice on how to make this fight easier, i have all my charecters at level 40's and fran,ashe,balthier,and vaan have there level 3 quickenings but still no luck with lots of chain attacks any help please.
Hmm...well I don't know exactly what to tell you, I had a lot of trouble with him at first too when I was around level 35 or so....

I just came back when I was leveled up more and kicked his butt. =)
yeah, I was already at about 45 when fought him the first time. that and I was extremely pissed at him for making me go all the way back to the stillshrine of Miriam when I fought him so he didn't stand half a chance. I did this when I was already at the salikawood, so that was a fair distance back....yes, I used a gate crystal, BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER! but, yeah, all I can tell you is level a bit, then go back....oh, and make sure you're mad at him, that takes away some of the awe.
hmmm ok, heheh ill just keep trying oh and i do have everyone equipped with the best armor and weps possible that they can atm and i have like 99 hi potions and its like i use em so fast and i quess not quick enuff to keep everyone alive and the use of no magic just sucks..:( ill try leveling to about the 45-47 range i quess and see what happens from there....

merry christmas all:)
Yo ur a little high level for Salikawood no??? lol i just entered it and all my characters are barely at 25
Yeah, dark absorbing stuff is great......but I didn't have any at the time, I just went in there and beat him with armor that did nothing beyond normal stuff. And this was also before I had learned to use the ultimate power of casting status effects on yourself before the battle too. I had a bit of a hard time, but it was VERY worth it.

Oh, and are you sure its the salika wood your talking about Zeon? I think you're talking about the Golmore jungle because Salikawood is WAY later in the game than that and you have to be very strong for salikawood.
ya i did alot of leveling up in the arlier parts of the game like when i hit giza plaains in the rain but ya i do have armors on...but never thought to cast status effect stuff on my charecters before i went in heheeh *smacks self* i wonder if reflect would help any?
is it because you havent fought him yet? u get to him through the stone of the condemor back in the stillshrine of miriam.
is it because you havent fought him yet? u get to him through the stone of the condemor back in the stillshrine of miriam.

nah. i already took him out. but it must have been so long ago that i can't remember. haha..