Help Help With EVRAE the WYRM of BEVELLE

Fiends have infested the airship so there's plenty of places to level up prior to this fight, as well as 2 save spheres to keep you alive and all magic'ed up. I found it extremely helpful just to be strong enough to withstand its attacks by having enough HP to allow yourself to recuperate after its attacks in addition to the attack strategies listed above. Just staying alive is key to be able to heal or revive when needed. Like I said there are a ton of battles to be fought on the airship prior to this battle, hence tons of opportunities to work your way through the sphere grid to earn more HP.
Haha, Thanks everyone!
I passed without your guides, lol Sorry.
But now, I'm up to the Calm Lands!
Wow...I need to make another topic. Or rename this thing
"The amazingly boring adventure of Sid's Final Fantasy X, With a new feature...NOOBNESS! :D"

But now I'm up to the rock golem thing.
Don't worry though, All I need is my characters to have Full Tension --
Although I got bored with Versing that rock-for-brains, and stumbled upon -- Dark Shiva! -.-""
*Kick, Kick, Kick*
Tidus Auron and Yuna, DEAD
I better come back at Lv.99...Lol
I was just wondering where to get Chocobos'!!!
Cuz, when you ride them --- You get no Battles - Much easier to move around.
I might get back to the Calm lands in time! :D

Oh man, *Yawn* I'm tired...
So, I better go Play FFX and find a way to get back to the Calm Lands! xD
What is Dark Shiva doing in the Calm Lands? And what is she doing in the game so early?
I thought she only appeared at the end during the last stuff with Sin and I thought she appeared in Lake Macarena Temple.

As for the Chocobos, it's been a while since I played, but I think they are either located right next to the hut in the middle, or on the ridge near the exit on the far side near where you get to fight that boss battle near the bridge, and also near the entrance to Yojimbo's fayth.

I think you just talk to the person and ask her / him, but to be honest I'm not entirely sure anymore. All I know is that you can't ride one for long and it is pretty much enclosed in that area. You can do races though.
At the start of the battle, you should begin close up Evrae. Get your close-range characters their hits in, then you can dispense with them for the rest of the battle. That means you, Auron and Khimari.
Straight off the bat, you should cast Slow on Evrae with Tidus. He will reverse this with haste halfway through the battle, and you will no be able to cast Slow again, but in the meantime, this will be a great relief to you.

On his turn, Evrae might well draw in breath. This is your cue. By casting Slow (though you should definitely pay attention to the turnrota, particularly after he casts Haste) you can guarantee that one of your characters will get their turns. Tidus and Rikku can give the command to pull the ship back, which will make Poison Breath fail - but you will only be able to hit Evrae with long range attacks. Make sure that either Tidus or Rikku are always not an active member, which means you can shift the ship location on any of your turns - remember you need to wait till Cid's turn before your ship moves. On Cid's turn, if you are pulled away from Evrae, he will unleash a powerful missile barrage, but only three times in total. From his great distance, Evrae will do one of two things, either swoop in and attack you weakly, or stay where he is and attack you weakly, Photon Spray, in which case make sure you're not dying, and continue laying long-ranged siege. If he swoops in, pull back ASAP, because he has the potential to petrify your characters. However, if one of your characters has been petrified, cure this before you pull back: Evrae's swooping in will break a petrified character.
When his HP is on 50%, or thereabouts, he will cast Haste. This makes it an absolute necessity to keep your eyes glued to the turnrota, because, depending on the speed of your team, Evrae can swoop in, breathe in before you realise, and if this coincides with a low HP-count on your party, you are in danger.

If you can equip something like Stone Ward, go for it. This means you can (somewhat) safely fight up close until he breathes in, giving you more choice in terms of Cid's attack, which is always better used toward the end of the battle, where Evrae is Hasted, and it generally more threatening.
Wow wow, when you put your mind to it, you can get pretty far!
I'm up to Seymor Flux.
Now, I know the basics,
Cure Zombie.
Get Aeons Overdrives ready BEFORE battle,
Have Hastega, which I do not have.
My problem with him,
He uses that Cross Sword attack...
ARGH, Auron survives it so easily, but he always gets Zombiefied, then Seymor uses Full Life and the dramatic Game Over music plays whilst I throw the controller at the T.V and go to the Computer for advice.

I got bored of the Calm Lands and went back to the Macalania Temple. (Whatever temple it is...)
That's where I met Dark.Shiva.
Also, so you guys know. I havn't unlocked the Monster Arena thing, I forgot what i was supposed to catch. LOL
Seymour Flux is quite easy, even at low levels, if you know what you're doing, and have the items.
  • Summons - you should use all your aeons' overdrives ASAP
  • Use a poison fang (steal from the wasps in The Calm Lands) or Bio to poison him. This put about 1,200 damage per turn on him, when I did it, and this is completely permanent.
  • Absolutely abuse any curtains for defences (or Protect and Shell - though Yuna should be healing, really). While usually he'll dispel them, this is a turn he's not using to attack you.
  • For Total Annihilation, chances are, only Auron can survive him, so have him waiting in the wings for this, to make sure he is unblemished, have him defend AND cast shell if you can, and just be prepared to use a Mega Phoenix.
  • If Flare and dispel are bothering you, Silence him.
  • Attack frantically, preferably using overdrives to hit BOTH targets, since the Mortiorchis will cast drain on Seymour when it dies. This becomes less effective later, as its total HP goes from 4,000 to 3,000, 2,000, then 1,000 everytime you kill him.
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Okay Okay! Thanks Lord Avon!
I forgot what I'm up to - But according to my brain, I remember a Cave of trials...
Oh! I versed a Ugly monster...
I think I'm up to...Someone testing me?
Not in that temple though! I've beaten all those Aeons BY FAR!
I need a few more Gil to get that secret (Not very secret, actually) Aeon...
But...I guess this is getting really off topic.
If you want to answer my question - Private message me :)

If you can - I request a Lock please :)
learn self destruct with kimari from a bomb, and this is what i finished him off with - it takes like 6000 hp from evrae :)

Mod Edit: Evrae has a lot more then 6000hp, so maybe you could say what else you did? :3
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**Off topic***

Can I rename this by any chance?
'Cuz people still post about Evrae.
Although, it is handy for other people, there's about 13 guides to beat Evrae in here o.o;
Go to your first post in this topic, click edit and rename the title there
Should work...
just lvl up ull b fine ;). JK!!

I remember have to stalk up on a lot of X potions/ hi potions and if you use a lot of magic use those items that will help u i forgot what they are called lolz. :holyshit:. Make a good impression on the monster then kik its a$$ xD. My main like party consisted of Tidus (well no slsdkfjs), Lulu and either Kimari or Auron cuz he kiks butttt
Okay, I'm up to the Zanarkand temple, and...guess...Yup, I need help with the boss, you see - I know you have to move around the panels and everything but...He's just too strong Dx
Help D:

Oh and Bump xP