Help! :)


Chocobo Breeder
May 2, 2008
Hia Guys, new here so a quick hello firstly. Secondly i need a bit of info. Im new to FFX ive only been playing it a few weeks and im having real difficulty with the leveling up. Im used to FF8's leveling up system and i cant get to grips with X's. Pretty much the prob is i cant win any battles. My HP is only like 500 odd and the damage i do is around 100. But the monsters i fight have like 1000's of HP etc. Im trying to beat that sinspawn on mushroom ridge but its just not happening, the highest HP character i have is auron at like 1200 odd but the sinspawn has about 17000 collective HP. How do you win?!

I cant seem to increase my stats on the sphere grid as it wont allow me to move to any nodes that will aid my stats, ie increase hp, strength etc. Im entirly stuck tbh. Not sure if ive done something wrong at the start and so weather its best re-starting the game. Any ideas anyone?

hmm sounds like you got yourself into a real bother there, i would suggest going all out with magic on nearby enemies so you can get your self some sphere levels to do up your sphere grid just make sure your near a save sphere to renew hp/mp, dont know if thatll help any as you still might not be strong enough to defeat an enemy, to be honest i never really had a problem so sorry if i cant help
Cheers Dude, think ive cocked up at the begining tbh, i prob should have been more tact when spending sphere lvls etc. Ill keep trying failng that ill start again :(
How far into the game are you? Do you have any moves on your shere grid yoiu can use? Key spheres if you're stuck at a lock...?

My problem when I first started was using the standard grid. I think it's harder to use than the expert one. The moves are limited and there are too many locks

Going off the issues you are having (and if you are not too far in) I'd advise just restarting. Once you get too grips with the sphere grid I guarenttee you will love it :monster:
during this boss fight i pritty much unleashed Yuna and her Aeons but before i started the fight i made sure they all had their Overdrives ready I also had Yuna's grand summon ready
and then after that i had my characters blow the crap out of them with their abilities Lulu's magic is effective as is Auron and Kimahri's piercing weapons (mainly when the arms regenerate)
There , watch these clips, and you'll see the right strategy. I can't really remember if it took me 30 mins to beat this guy, but hell , he still dies in the end :D.

Cheers mate, good to know it can be done with that amount of hp, only issue there is i dont have any pheonix downs. Are you able to backtrack and buy some?

during this boss fight i pritty much unleashed Yuna and her Aeons but before i started the fight i made sure they all had their Overdrives ready I also had Yuna's grand summon ready
and then after that i had my characters blow the crap out of them with their abilities Lulu's magic is effective as is Auron and Kimahri's piercing weapons (mainly when the arms regenerate)

Cheers dude, how to you make sure everyone has their overdrives set before the fight? Normally the overdrive kicks in when ive taken/given enough damage from an enemy.

How far into the game are you? Do you have any moves on your shere grid yoiu can use? Key spheres if you're stuck at a lock...?

My problem when I first started was using the standard grid. I think it's harder to use than the expert one. The moves are limited and there are too many locks

Going off the issues you are having (and if you are not too far in) I'd advise just restarting. Once you get too grips with the sphere grid I guarenttee you will love it :monster:

Cheers mate, im just completely dumbfounded by the sphere grid at the moment, im sure ill get the hang of it eventually. Really frustrated tho cos wanna get through the game and get the story etc. Story so far seems awsome! :)
well to get your Aeons overdrives up ou go and get into some random fights and summon them and after they have battled for long enough their overdrives should be full, as for your characters it is the same prospect but you have to either take damage or give it depending on how you have your overdrives growth set (stock for taking damage and Warrier for giving it)
Arr right i no wot you mean now. Pretty much just have a load of random fights and when the overdrives build up dont use them till i fight the sinspawn. Cool. Cheers bud
its pretty much the same tactic i used for all of the bosses, it didn't help that my Yuna was my strongest character by far, mainly because i used the Aeons for any and all battles Yuna was the only one who was getting any real experience
Ye i no what you mean, i always have a tendancy to build up the characters i control the most, usually the main one in the game, i.e Tidus, Squall etc. Its great when you have small battles but not so good for major ones. I do all the time and then i always end up bitchin when i cant beat a boss :)
I think that there's a guy you can buy items from just before the fight... also there are different types of overderive "chargers" so to speak, example: when you hit the gouge get is filled, or when you get hit fills, or when you heal it fill, check it out...
Yeah there are, there are something like 30 different ones in all and they all charge on different conditions and are obtained on different conditions.
The best by far are Warrior (charges when attacks), Healer (charges when healing others) and slayer (charges when kills enemy)
i didn't like slayer as it gets harder to charge your overdrive when you first enter places like Inside sin and Omega dungeon but yea slayer is good at the start of the game when both you and your characters suck (although you can't use it that early) on my favorites are healer and Warrier and i was quite disappointed when i could get the same overdrive charge thing as the Aeons you know it fills when you damage or get damaged any way don't use slayer as it sucks
Cheers dude, i think im currenty set to warrior at the mo, the rest of the my party is stoic.
Whenever i got stuck at something like that i would stay in the area for awhile and just try to lvl my grid and get my overdrives up. I would do this for sometime, the longest being durning one of the seymor battles. I would just try to slow yourself down once you kill it, take sometime to lvl. Im usually in the same boat as you i usaully run through the game rather quick.
Im a right bugger for it, i cant help tho, when the storylines are so good i just wanna get thru it as quick as and find out what happens :) Ill take your advice tho, thanks!