

Too orsm for you.
Jul 5, 2006
You know the winged monster right outside the king's tomb? Yup, can't beat it. Anyone know how to? Help would be greatly appreciated!
you have to give it some of those flowers you picked earlier, then it really gets weakened.

ill look for the flowers name if you have no idea what im on about :lol:

and what are your levels? the guide recommends about level 16 it think...
Naturally, normal sword attack won't help you. Stick with your bows and other ranged weaponry. He dives at you a lot, so try and have Protect cast on your entire party (if you have it). Set your Gambits to recover HP at around <60% with Cura or whatever.

Try a strong string of Quickenings. If you have the level 2 Quickenings, you'll find the most part of the battle to be a breeze. Just keep your HP up, and use whatever Ethers you have to bring your MP back up for another blast of Quickenings. Though if you're good, he'll go down after the first beating.

He's pretty simple, but give it all you've got. Note that you'll have a particular 'nut' in your item inventory which you can use in abttle against it. The Garuda hates it apparently... I didn't use it, so I can't tell you the outcome.

Good luck.
so that's what the esker berries are for! I never got them or used them - bit late for that now. just go in with ranged weapons and quickenings, best bet at that stage. Try going back out into the nam yensa sandsea and levelling up a bit, if only to get more abilities on the license board. Also, if you can, aim for the augments section of the board, it's a real help later on.
I found Garuda remarkable easy.

The Esker Berries took down around 10% of his health. Then a few shots with bows/guns brought him down to about three quarters. Then a lucky Quickening chain (I only had one lvl one quickening with one character, but the Mist charge option kept popping up :D) killed him off. I lost about a total of 200 health in that battle...
Well right now my levels are 17 with Vossler stuck at level 18. I've gotten better weapons for everyone (with the exception of Balthier, who I can't find a better weapon, anyway) and tried to up the other pieces of clothing, too.

Where can you find these Esker Berries? Also, how do you work the Quickenings? I never actually got round to sussing it out yet, I just did whatever.
you have to do the uratan quest thing
and eksir berries also weaken the phoenix ^_^
Well right now my levels are 17 with Vossler stuck at level 18. I've gotten better weapons for everyone (with the exception of Balthier, who I can't find a better weapon, anyway) and tried to up the other pieces of clothing, too.

Where can you find these Esker Berries? Also, how do you work the Quickenings? I never actually got round to sussing it out yet, I just did whatever.

how do you mean you can't get better weapons for balthier - anyone can have any weapon as long as they have the right license. even if it means giving him the same as someone else, it's worth it for one battle.
how do you mean you can't get better weapons for balthier - anyone can have any weapon as long as they have the right license. even if it means giving him the same as someone else, it's worth it for one battle.
His attack power is only at 11, whilst the others are over 30 by now. I can't find a better weapon than the one he has right now. I meant from the shops.
He dosnt have to have guns
the killler bow is a good choice
i just let vossler attack with telekinesis and healed him cause for some reason the garuda only attacked vossler :)
Yeah for the sidequest to get the berries you have to defeat a huge tortoise that the Uratans are trying to defeat. Personally I had no idea what those things were for so I never used them in the battle and I still have the berries in my collection to this very moment. ^_^

Have some strong aero weapons like bows like mentioned here earlier. Good luck, shouldn't be too tough.
Make sure you use the esker berries. If you haven't got them go all the way back to the safe crystal where the moogle is. If you got the cut scene of the queen killing one of her subjects the berries will be growing there. As it's a flying monster ranged weapons or magic are best.
Where can you find these Esker Berries? Also, how do you work the Quickenings? I never actually got round to sussing it out yet, I just did whatever.
Quickenings? They're basically Final Fantasy XII's answer to Limit Breaks. You'll want to get quickenings on all three of you characters [or the rest, if you use all of them] and this makes it more likely that you'll be able to use them. They can only be activated when you have full MP. When you are taken to the screen, there'll be a list of people and their available quickenings at the bottom right-hand of the screen. Whatever is in white, you can use, so press the corresponding button. If none of the options are white, then press R2 until an option is available. Keep doing this and try to chain together as many quickenings as you can - if you're lucky, when you do a high chain, there'll be a finisher at the end of a random element.
His attack power is only at 11, whilst the others are over 30 by now. I can't find a better weapon than the one he has right now. I meant from the shops.

If you want to stick with guns you can also just get him some good black magic to beat his ass down with. The berries you get from the urutan side quest (the northern entrance to the nam yensa sand-sea starts it, just go through past the moogle after talking to him and kill the urutan yensa eater, go back to the moogle and then over to the ogir yensa sandsea. When you get to the top of the refinery theres a little cutscene, go back to the moogle and the berries are on the ground in front of him at the end.

The berries help but they wont win the battle for you, basically just get your healing down and some good spells/bows and it should be easy. Since it's a flying boss the HP isnt too amazing so once you get the ranged stuff you're laughing.
Thanks for all your help, guys. Yeah, thanks for telling me about Quickenings, Riku. I sort of thought they were the answer to Limit Breaks. Let's see how I go on then ...
Thanks for all your help, guys. Yeah, thanks for telling me about Quickenings, Riku. I sort of thought they were the answer to Limit Breaks. Let's see how I go on then ...
Be careful with quickenings - they take up one mp gauge for the first ones, and then 2 and three depending on the level of your characters. effectvely - this means they use all your mp. Also, the damage they do is random - the formula is : damage = (number beween 1 and the power of the quickening) x (number between 1 and the charater's strenght). Say for example you have a charater with a strength of 50 and use a rank two quickening, which has a power of 140 - that means the damage could be 7,000 (50x140) - and that's not including the rest of the chain - whih is great, but it could also be as low as 1 (1x1) which is not great.

Remember when using quickenings that you could be sacrificing all your mp to do 1 damage - the best way to go is to aim for concurrences, which only appear after a quickening chain that meets certain requirements, eg 3 level one quickenings - they have fixed damage amounts that are different for each enemy - the formula is (concurrence power) x (target's level). The stronger the enemy, the more damage.

There are 8 concurrences in all, ranging from 90 power to 253 - but at this stage you will probably only see inferno - 3 level one quickenings, attack power 90 - or cataclysm - 7 level one quickenings, attack power 110.

with inferno you'd do 1440 damage, with cataclysm 1760.
They're like finishing moves so you'd have the damage from the quickenings themselves of course - but they range so wildly it's not best to count on them, you could get lucky of course.

Early on in the game, quickenings are great - but later on, a level one quickening will use a third of all your mpand could still only do 1 damage, a level three one will take all my mp, and could still do only 1 damage. And when your mp is around 600, it doesn't seem worth it...
Easy boss

I beat that monster without using eksir berries.. Only with quickenings and attacking.
His attack power is only at 11, whilst the others are over 30 by now. I can't find a better weapon than the one he has right now. I meant from the shops.

Although Balthier's attack seems less with guns but don't let that fool you. I think that the guns attack doesn't include an enemies defense so quite a lot of the time I found Balthier doing a lot of damage.

At first I was suprised at Garuda but I just used those Esker Berries. I had Fran, Balthier and Vaan in my party with Balthier and Fran range and Vaan healing (aswell as tanking). Worked very well and had no problem.
If ya dont have any quickening`s at that point then ya are kinda out of luck but |presume ya have so I say use them.
If ya dont have any quickening`s at that point then ya are kinda out of luck but |presume ya have so I say use them.

I never used them. I rarely used them in boss fights and if I did, it was because it was a comfortable fight and just wanted it over quickly. I don't think Quickenings are that great.