Her real name?

I think it's Cloud...u know i think he changed his sex coz this girl really look like Cloud!!
LOLOLOL That would be funny. Nahhh too skinny to be cloud. Maybe his sister? loooool

But realy. I think it will go with the theme of the others. And lightening isn't that bad. It could always be worse. Like sparky or something.
apparantley lightning is her code name not her real name that is what square enix have said on another final fantasy site
Lightning is her code name as said earlier, her real name MIGHT be said in the game, but i doubt it'll be more then once or twice... as she calls herself Lightning, perhaps her real name is something ridiculous like Elizabeth or something i dunno, but well, it ain't her real name(Lightning that is) and i think it's an excellent name

this is stated by the Wiki

In previous Final Fantasy installments (FFVII+), the leading characters have been named after natural phenomena: Cloud from Final Fantasy VII, Squall from Final Fantasy VIII, Tidus (or Tiida, which is "sun" in Okinawan) from Final Fantasy X, Yuna (moon) from Final Fantasy X, and Vaan (off of Vent, which is French for "wind") from Final Fantasy XII. "Lightning" follows this pattern.

makes sense this will be her game name, eventhough it's not her "real" name

in worst case we just give her a name by ourselves instead of letting her keep her own name...
Yea, they said it was a code name... so that is correct. But they do change a lot of the name's between Japanese and English versions of the game. She does play like a warrior/spy or something weird like that in the game... so an actual code name might make sense but I suspect it'll be something like Bolt than Lightning. She'll probably have a real name but hopefully you'll get to put in your own. So they can still pronounce her name during FMVs but you still get to see your name in pretty letters in the attack screen.
What's wrong with it? Because she's female? If there was a guy called lightning you guys would say it's a wicked name. Lightning isn't her real name it's her nickname or code name whatever, but it sounds cool.
Yea... it's a gender thing. Riiiight. Because I'm sexist against certain natural elements.:rolleyes:

It's not a good name. Cloud wouldn't even be a good name if it weren't for his last name. I do think part of the problem is that there's no character to tie it into. I remember seeing threads about people not liking the name Vaan way before the game even came out. Now that they know more about the character and he's a person to us, not just a name, you don't care so much what his name is. Even so, Lightning isn't a very "edgy" sounding name. Bolt might work, like I said... but Cloud and Squall, although both elemental names, are shorter names. Most heroic sounding names, at least for Western culture, are typically much shorter. Lightning is two syllables long... but it also really looks long too. So my guess is it might get changed to a similar name for the western version.
I personally can't see the similarity between Cloud and Lightning :\

I don't think that Lightning is a bad name if it's being used as a codename. If it's her real name? Yeah, it's bad.
No no no, that sounds horrible put together. Too much like "Lightning Strike".

I'm very curious as to what her real name is and why she's using a code name, but I'm also hoping that the info on the biker dude is released soon so we can get an idea of what kind of character he is going to turn out to be.

Lightning Stike...HAHAHAHAHHA

Yea... it's a gender thing. Riiiight. Because I'm sexist against certain natural elements.:rolleyes:

It's not a good name. Cloud wouldn't even be a good name if it weren't for his last name. I do think part of the problem is that there's no character to tie it into. I remember seeing threads about people not liking the name Vaan way before the game even came out. Now that they know more about the character and he's a person to us, not just a name, you don't care so much what his name is. Even so, Lightning isn't a very "edgy" sounding name. Bolt might work, like I said... but Cloud and Squall, although both elemental names, are shorter names. Most heroic sounding names, at least for Western culture, are typically much shorter. Lightning is two syllables long... but it also really looks long too. So my guess is it might get changed to a similar name for the western version.

Cloud is so girlish tbh :P
(the name)
No no no, that sounds horrible put together. Too much like "Lightning Strike".

I'm very curious as to what her real name is and why she's using a code name, but I'm also hoping that the info on the biker dude is released soon so we can get an idea of what kind of character he is going to turn out to be.

Lightning Stike...HAHAHAHAHHA


she isnt using a code name she has lost her memery and thats why she is using the name lightning.
You know, I never thought Cloud was a bad name...since all along I thought it was actually pronounced "Claude"...

But Lightning...
This weather thing is a trend...

Terra, Cloud, Squall...idk wtf a Zidane is...
Then there's Tidus...

All weather related. o_O
Well, Zidane could be like insane, as he's like a half monkey, half human.
So, a name that is related to lightning.. i would suggest best would be like.. Ramuh! rofl . im jk.
Oh seriously!

*MAJOR SPOILERS*warning do not read ahead if u dont want to kno!

Listen up cos like I'm only saying this once her name is Lightning but codename isnt the right word for it ,it's more of a disguise from the government,and from the crystals they control in which....well I better get to the point if u wana kno anymore bout the story and how it pans out go to the post all info about lightnin of sumthin by me.Anyway her real names Kiyara as it pans out but u didnt hear it from me cos the admins say I'm spoilin it 4 evry1 but i warned u not 2 read:)
You know, I never thought Cloud was a bad name...since all along I thought it was actually pronounced "Claude"...

But Lightning...
This weather thing is a trend...

Terra, Cloud, Squall...idk wtf a Zidane is...
Then there's Tidus...

All weather related. o_O

Claude. :D When everyone found out that one of the main Grand Theft Auto characters name was Claude, everyone thought it was a gay name. :D

As for Zidane, well as far as I know it has nothing to do with weather and I don't know if you have heard of him but Zinedine Zidane is a popular French footballer and people have speculated if his name was really based on him. (Considering not long after the release the World Cup was held in Japan/Korea which the current champions were France - Captained by Zidane.) Also, Zidane Tribal is an anagram for "Lazier Bandit" make of that what you will. :D