Here's something to scratch your heads over


Chocobo Breeder
Jun 11, 2007
Zanarkand Ruins
you know that area up by trabia garden (I haven't played in months; I forgot exactly what continent it's called)? have you ever come across an area while flying balamb garden that resembles a crater...and when you approach it nadia exclaims that "the controls are going berserk?!" what is that crater, and why would it make the controls go berserk?
you know that area up by trabia garden (I haven't played in months; I forgot exactly what continent it's called)? have you ever come across an area while flying balamb garden that resembles a crater...and when you approach it nadia exclaims that "the controls are going berserk?!" what is that crater, and why would it make the controls go berserk?

Yeah I noticed that ages ago myself. It's kinda funny :P

I think the crater is where Trabia used to be and got hit by them missiles or perhaps it was one of the missiles that missed because of Selphies tampering in side the Missile Base.
I noticed that myself. I always thought something special was there. I looked in all the FAQ's and never found anything about it. =/.
Yeah I noticed that ages ago myself. It's kinda funny :P

I think the crater is where Trabia used to be and got hit by them missiles or perhaps it was one of the missiles that missed because of Selphies tampering in side the Missile Base.

I don't think it's the first of your theories. I remember there being a part where you have to take selphie back to trabia garden after the whole missle incident, and it was in ruins; parts of a missle could be seen in one area. but you were actually able to enter the garden even after the missles mostly destroyed it.

the second one seems plausible, however :D
It's most likely some natural occurence, where there is a constant earthquake or something similar. Much like the various elemental shrines from FFIX.
Actually i always thought and believed that the crater was due to the fact that a past Lunar Cry ocurred and the impact of the fallen "wave" of monsters created the crater.

The game states that other Lunar Cries have ocurred in the past so maybe thats one of the marks of past lunar cries.
It always had potential to contain a secret or secret area, but it dissapoints! Although there is a secret Flare drawpoint nearby :D
you know that area up by trabia garden (I haven't played in months; I forgot exactly what continent it's called)? have you ever come across an area while flying balamb garden that resembles a crater...and when you approach it nadia exclaims that "the controls are going berserk?!" what is that crater, and why would it make the controls go berserk?
I'm really not sure of that myself all I know is that it really ticked me off when I was stuck in the game and thought that's where I had to go :P lol.
yeah... I've always wondered about this too... so there really isn't a secret here? thats what i always assumed, but couldnt ever find anything... :P
So there really is nothing in that crater? o_O
Oh my, I was thinking secret GF there for a while.

Yeah, I was kinda hoping it would lead to somewhere worthwhile but all I've gotten was the crew yelling out. :S
But yeah, I'm quite sure that's where Trabia Garden was originally located before the missiles hit.
I have read this thread fourely but I have never come across this creater your all talking about but the only final fantasy creater I have ever come across is the norvern cave in final fantasy 7 but if the game your talking about is final fantasy 3 I might be abile to cheack it out and tell you what I find once I get a new air ship but that's if it is final fantasy 3 but either way this did have me scratching my head for a wi'll.
okay ?

i av played and completed ff8 and i no dis is along shot but havent played the game in ages! but all i remember is the being dat weird tripod build dat sinks into d ground couldnt dat creat a hole ?????????? i think it mite i dunno.oh nd i remmebr d place its dat prison place were you get locked up in and you meet dat wicked orange tiger thing wich reminds me who has the item dt summons him i av like 60 of em lol its well gd.!:D:cool:
It was the Luner Cry lol
One of the ones that came down before, 400 Years ago, they tell you in the space station..
Boco, Please talk nomal and not in Chavlish.
I do belive it was a draw point there, I'm pretty sure it was or was that near by....
I do remember seeing that crater up near Trabia Garden...

I've always assumed... just like it's been previously stated in this thread that it was the location of the previous Lunar Cry.