Hey, everyone!


Jul 28, 2006
Idiot America?
Hey, my name is Kayla. I am 15 years old, and I prefer girls. (Omg, woah, right?) Yeahh. I am going into the 10th grade. Yep. I'm a baby.
At the moment, I'm listening to My Chemical Romance. My favorite band is Green Day, by the way. But, I'm not one of those random/annoying people that started liking them because of American Idiot. In case you were wondering...
In the background, I left my PS2 on. Oops, lol. I'm currently playing Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition. Yeah. Long title. Don't worry, I love Final Fantasy, too. (I was getting there, no worries.) I own FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX. Like many, FFVII is my favorite. Yuffie's the greatest, no?
I also have Kingdom Hearts I and II. I have to admit, I love the fact that they mixed Disney characters with Final Fantasy characters. I know a lot of people find it stupid, but... I love it. It's so random, lol.
By the way, if you've read up to here, I love you. You so deserve a cookie, or something. But, I have no cookies. So, you'll just have to survive without a cookie. Sorry.
Anything I forget to mention?
Anything you want to know about? (Because I'm so interesting! [/sarcasm])
Message me, or whatever.
I'll shut up now.
Omg, yay, lesbian sex.
(Did I mention that cookies = lesbian sex, lesbian sex = cookies?)
(Just play along, and I'll be happy. =) )
Hah, I remember you from kh-2.net. Strange how you're kinda hard to ignore. X3

Welcome aboard. Glad to have someone like you around. Lord knows this forum needs something new.
yo masina. haha.

and Lacan, you're a tool. it's not overdone, people hate to even admit to being a lesbian anyway, so why would you fake it? haha, fuckin' loser.
Hitman change dhis name? OHS NO!

Hey. Normally I would hate you for a few things in ur intro but I won't. Consider you lucky cause normally my pie bazooka would have been fire at you.
Hello there, Masina. Welcome to the forums! Oh and would you be interested in my cookies, I wonder? :P
Hello Masina you like the same bands as my 16 year old sister she hates video games though nice to see a girl who enjoys them at your age. But i am more of a Clash and dead kennedys fan myself.
OMG VIDEO GAMES! Have a pie. Have a special silver pie. 15 of the and 50p off bacon equals a golden pie, which is the price of freedom. Consider yourself special.
Hitman how u doin man it's long time since i bother u i won't bother u now may be later!
anyway hi Kayla how u doin?
now we have gays and lesbians , WHAT A FORUM!!