Hey Hey.


Heaven or Zell.
Oct 20, 2008
Hey hey,

I found this whilst googling about some information about the upcoming FFXIII and began to read numerous threads in each of the forums. I thought it seemed like an awesome place to hang out and share FF stories.

I'm currently 15, will be 16 shortly, and after watching my Mum (yeah, she flippin adores FF and refuses to stop until she's found each secret and completed each game. She's currently on the last couple stages in FFXII and just finishing any Marks that remain.) I had to start and see what the hell the fuss was all about, and Flippin Zell, there awesome. Currently, I only have VIII and XII, but after this Xmas I should have IX which is one of my favourites along with 8 and VI which is well known for being the best of the lot.

Anyway, I just thought I'd join, read and share some stuff, and this RPG system seems awesome so once I'm 50 posts I'll be heading there to catch myself some of the action.

Anyway, sorry for such a long introduction post, I got a bit carried away :ohshit:

See you around,

Leonheartas (Tom).

P.S - There's so much to do here, I dont really know where to start. Any suggestions? Im a writer if that helps, but I'm up for anything. Thanks in advance.
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Well hey there! I love the bit info in your signature. ;) Anyway, welcome to FFF. Glad you can join us in on the fun! You're a writer, you say? You can definitely post your stuff in Writers Boulevard. Basically just post around and hang out in the SB if you wish - you'll certainly catch on to all the happenings around here. =] If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a PM and we'll be more than happy to help.

See you around then!

Oh and by the way, it's great that your mom's into FF!
Haha, thanks alot Mitsuki. The writers boulevard? I'll take a look a.s.a.p.

Aha, and yes, it's pretty cool. She's like my own guidebook, if I need to figure something out, she'll know the answer :P

I have a feeling that'll be me in...um, another 7-10 years. My daughter who's only 4 knows about Final Fantasy and would watch me play it sometimes. I just know that she'll be a fan of Final Fantasy very soon and I'll be like your mom, guiding her through the dungeons and everything. xD
Nice intro :monster:

Im the same as Mits, I'l be getting my daughter into FF when she's a bit older, your mum sounds cool :wacky:

Welcome to the forums =]
Yeah, It was awesome. Ever since I was 8+, I've watched my Mum playing on all the games, and she'd never end it without me there just so I wouldn't miss any part of the story-line, which in my experience is one of the best bits about each of the final fantasies.

And only 4? That's awesome, it's like making it a religion in the household :)

Thanks Artimicion :D
I wish my mother was that awesome, but she hasn't a clue about videogames xD

Anyway, you sound rather epic, so please enjoy yourself lots :gasp:
Put IX in your sig as well! :gasp:
Anyways, welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay here at FFF!...and you intro was great. ^^
Hey there and welcome to FFF, wish my mum was that awesome, my mum's limit is beijing olympics which I loathe :wacky:

Hope you enjoy yourself and post plenty, check out the ShoutBox too... I live there ;)