

Oct 27, 2006
Hey everyone,

To really say I don't know how to start these things out I'm not very new here to the site I just haven't really been posting at all but now as I am now the person who will design most of our Plug-ins and other things for site I guess I should post and begin to be more active. I'm a normal FF Freak but not totally insane you know.

My favourite characters are probably Zack and Cid thats really all since I'm not much into the whole Cloud thing for some reason. Nothing against cloud I just don't like him for reasons unknown. -Gets attacked by fangirls-.

Well hope to see more of all of you soon around the forums. Remember be nice to people.
Hey everyone,

To really say I don't know how to start these things out I'm not very new here to the site I just haven't really been posting at all but now as I am now the person who will design most of our Plug-ins and other things for site I guess I should post and begin to be more active. I'm a normal FF Freak but not totally insane you know.

My favourite characters are probably Zack and Cid thats really all since I'm not much into the whole Cloud thing for some reason. Nothing against cloud I just don't like him for reasons unknown. -Gets attacked by fangirls-.

Well hope to see more of all of you soon around the forums. Remember be nice to people.

welcome .. keep up the job!
R u goin to return the Smilies??
Can u bann DB??
u can shut FFF, am I right?
u r awesome Dude...u know cloud is psycho..Yea yea belive me.
anyway Hey man have fun and post lots and stay here in FFF u'll have cool time...Call me DS.
BTW F@#k to Cloud...Damn no smilies..again
We want the smilies..PLEEEEASE
Yeah, I'm a Zack + Cid fan"girl" myself, but, I'll give you a warning. Because I'm not a mod, it's a warning. And well Despite the fact that you don't like Cloud, I feel we can still be friends. *Kicks Motogawa and DarkSquall in the ribs* Sorry, force of habit.

Anyways, have fun sand post plenty.
Hey, I'm a Cloud "fangirl" so he was asking for it, and I'm sorry for kicking you both in the ribs. I was merely poking fun. Anyways, welcome back, Motogawa-sama.
Welcome to the forums, Moto. It's finally the time to make our own modifications and stuff like that. :D Thanks for accepting the staff position anyway and I'm really glad that you did. I'm hoping to see you around the forums so often and all.

See ya around!
Welcome to the forums and I hope you do a good job. Oh yeah, and welcome to the staff!