Hi, i'm Ishida!


The Last Quincy
Sep 21, 2007
Hi, my real name is Rick and i live in Quebec (hopefully no one'll flame for that, don't know why but some people have a tendancy to it)

I was looking for a Final Fantasy Forum because i'm a big fan of the serie. I pretty much loved them all and i have a little problem... I'm one of those perfectionnists. Right Now i restarted a game on FF VIII and trying max it out. I have a question though... Is it true that you can obtain Eden by drawing it from another Boss other the Omega Weapon. I heard you could draw it from Pupu and Ultima Weapon...

Soon i'm wishing to make a FF IX game containing Excalibur II, max stats, all items in perfect numbers, all Key Items and all quests completed, but i need to borrow a PS2 because i cannot skip FMVs on the PS3...

Well, i don't really like talking about myself (as you probably noticed) so if you have any questions, go for it.

P.S.: Thanks in advance to anyone who will answer my question!
Quebec, hmm?? ^.^

I think that you draw Eden from ULTIMA weapon in the deep sea research center. I could be remembering wrong though. ^.^

FFIX is my favorite. ^.^
FFIX is one of my 2 favorties as well, the other one is Tactics (i just think it was the most incredible job system ever). In the Deep Sea Research Center, i'm pretty much sure it is Omega, and Ultima is a secret boss in Ultimecia Castle by the fountain i think.

the reason i want to know if you can draw it from another boss then the one at the bottom of the Deep Sea Research Center is that once you defeat it, the "random" battles are gone. When you want to use the "Devour" ability, it is rather helpfull to have those "not-so-random" battles since on a level you get to fight Behemoth frequently, which is, i think, the rarest monster in the game.

And also you could fight Tri-Face to obtain 6-8 Dark Matters per battles when you are lvl 100

P.S.: Hi!! Nice to meet you :P
i agree!
tactics is good!
even though i suck at it
either way dont you like the best?
Okay I just looked it up. You can draw Eden from Ultima weapon in the Deep Sea facility, and you can also draw it from Tiamat, in Ultimecia's castle at the end of the game. ^.^

I don't think you can get Eden anywhere else though. =x
Hi, my real name is Rick and i live in Quebec (hopefully no one'll flame for that, don't know why but some people have a tendancy to it)

OMG a Qubeic! You guys go to Maine for the summer. >_> Welcome!
Mmm... between VII and VIII, i would say VIII since i didnt had the chance to play it seriously so far but im plainng on bying the game on eBay NEXT WEEK! and im pretty much looking forward to it.

Thanks a lot Rhea for the answer! I'm glad i can draw it elswhere, its gonna make the Stats maximizing so much easier! Thanks again!

Ehm, sorry but what's Maine? lol
XD Maine is a state in the U.S.
I'm not sure what she's saying either. XD
Ok thanks for the info!

I didn't know we were going to Maine for summer:huh::P

What's this place like? Probably a nice beach am i right?
XD Maine is a state in the U.S.
I'm not sure what she's saying either. XD

Nah I'm just saying that because my friend has a beach house in Maine. Erythritol is always talking about the Quebecs being there and she goes to Canada often.
Quebec isn't much Nice and Snowy anymore...

Last year we had a green christmas which was kind of LAME... Wonder how it'll be this year...