
Dec 7, 2011
In a sky fortress
Hello, I was searching for a good Final Fantasy forum and I came by this one so I registered right away because I see it's lively :D

Let me introduce myself. My name Is Chris, and the first FF I played was FFV.
I know many don't find It interesting because of the story (seems it's bad, though I disagree). But there are many concepts and mechanics in this game that were later used in other of the series's titles.
I have played all FF to end except 7,8,9,10,12. I started 7 and 8 but I paused the games because I started FF Type 0.

Hope we'll have a great time on the forum!
Welcome to the forums! ^_^ You've still played more FF games that I have. The harder ones, to boot!

Stick around and post lots. (y)
Everyone is getting type-0 :rage:

Welcome to a world where people ride on big yellow birds...that seem to never really fly...except if they are a special color like black or golden....

Where small white fluffy animals have a ball on their head and say Kupo all the time

Where big spikey hair people can wear purple

where being emo and having a scar on your head makes all the ladies love you

where a tail on your butt is actually normal

Where being a clown makes you evil

where you can live in a world called Ivalice and have it be in many different areas

Welcome... To... Final Fantasy :elmo:

Enjoy your stay
Welcome aboard! =]
Thanks, everyone! Haha, I always thought that clowns are evil. Also, tails are normal, my cat agrees!
Emos with scars on face? If I were a woman I would probably love them too =)
Yeah, just finished Type 0 and I really can't wait for the English version :D