Serious High School (Tips and Tricks)

Are/were you popular in highschool?

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On the social side:

One of the most important things you should keep in the back of your mind is that you will probably never see a good number of the people from high school after graduation ever again.

That and most of the kids there are just kids. The rational/consequential part of their brains are not fully developed and therefore they cannot properly weigh a situation due to the fact that they still have some growing up to do. Kids can be mean, kids can be malicious, they can be cruel and hurtful. However, they can also be very kind, loving, fun, caring and an overall joy to hang out with. Finds some good friends to stick with, be it one or two and just try to enjoy the four years you have there.

On the academic side:

Don't stress yourself with school work, but don't neglect it either. The most important thing you can remember is to aim for that diploma. One D or an F won't kill your chances at graduating, neither will two or three, but don't make it a habit to get such bad grades. As long as, in the end, you make it over what the grade point average is required to graduate, that's all that matters.

Some teachers may be tired, strung out and just overall don't care, but the majority of them work their asses off to come up with unit/lesson plans that fit the states standards and also have meetings, tests, homework to correct along with a boat load of other things to do. The bottom line is, they're usually jam packed (especially if the teacher is a noob) with things on their plate, so try not to give them a hard time. d:;

Other than that, the advice here is pretty good.
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Hmm.. i was popular and friends with alot of groups in the school, in all years/grades of the school. Not to be cocky but i was that kid you needed drugs, i got your back. Needed a tutor, i got your back. Wanted a chat, i got your back. Had any problems, i got you back. Got a bully ? i got your back. lol.

Remember, like other already said. Be yourself. It cant be stressed enough.
Be confident, bully's will always find that "weak" target, and no one wants to be friends with the bully's bitch. This also works for girls, confidence is right up there on the scale.
Don't be a douche, no one likes the douche.
Don't try and be funny, it always shows. Its annoying, Just let it flow as it comes lol.

Remember tho, being a joker in class is always fun, but the grades are more important. As was mentioned, you wont know many of these people past the final year so whats the point. Grades are there for life dude /
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I'l shove this over in the temple of the ancients

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tip: don't blow anything off altogether

I mean, I understand that we don't always do our best in school. Heck, I'm a straight A student, and even I slack here and there. Some things simply aren't worth bending over backwards to do well on. Its one thing if you simply show up regularly and pull a half-baked effort on things, but a D or even an F on a few assignments is substantially better then getting zeros.

other tip: stay out of social stuff. You won't make any friends, but you won't make enemies either. So chances are, getting through high school isn't going to feel like finishing a federal prison sentence.
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Get money
Fuck bitches
smoke trees

this is all you need to know. Of course i grew up in a dominant black neighborhood, went to a dominant black school so I guess you should avoid my advice since you probably go to a upscale white school or something.

Get some weed, go up to cool people and ask them if they want to buy/toke

you are instantly in the Cool Social circle
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im goin on my senior year, ill give u some unique advice ;)

care about ur cloths so little it gets to the point where people know u dont care, so they have no reason to judge u.

do something that is unique, ie have a signature stance for when u stand

people love music, show some musical interest, if u do what i did, which was win a guitar hero competition, the win a live electric guitar headcutting contest, ppl love u and say, thats the kid than knows how to play, this only applies to musicians tho

seem like kind of a mystery, when someone asks why u do or act like certain things, shrug and say its just me bein me

usually in schools there are many social groups, drift group to group showing differeny parts of urself at a time

for the males-dont "be tough" and hide ur emotions, reveal to others u in fact do have emotions, but dont make it too obvious, like i wont neglect to say i cry, i cried just last thursday in fact, but dont go breakin down in front of everyone, show u can be strong and handle ur emotions

THIS IS A MUST be capable of talking about different things, like sports and polotics and games and life etc. etc.

dont show off ur talents or brag, mention them once in a while, saying nothing about ur skill level unless one asks, then have no fear in showing ur skillz to the world

doing those got me where i got, and everybody in my school loves me:D accept two girls, but its there own fault...
Yes. Don't do stupid things. Don't get involved with the cliques that drink and do drugs and stuff. DON'T DO IT, KIDS. Find a nerdy group. They're much more fun and much more safe. xD

I can't give tips on parties because I don't get invited to parties...because I hang out with the nerdy groups, and if I DO get invited to a party, it's anime-related and we end up playing video games and watching Ouran High School Host Club. And there was that one time we watched the deleted scenes from Final Fantasy Advent Children and made sound effects...but that's a different story. Anyway.

DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE UPPERCLASSMEN. Seriously. They will NOT HURT YOU if you don't give them a reason. Some might, I dunno. But I made an entire group of senior friends last year as a freshman and they were the biggest asset I ever had, because I had a group of relatively awesome people to sit with when my lunch got switched to senior lunch.

I'm looking forward to having some pet freshmen in two weeks when school starts up and I become a sophomore. <333

Sorry if the tip was already given...I just like giving my two cents. D=