
I do it all the time. The guys are obviously the best at doing it - it's the full-blown WHACKOOSH noise with us, where our hands are stinging afterwards. The girls are shit, though - they just hold up their hands and lightly tap you and it becomes strangely reminiscent of several scenes from Tarzan where he holds up his hand to both Jane and Kala. xD
I high five alot.

*puts hand up* High Five anybody?

[Mod Edit: more content in your posts, next time, please. Cheers.]
Todd's high fives on Scrubs rock!!!
I would have to agree with you on that. His Betrayal Five is my favorite.

As for me, I high five people sometimes but they usually don't high five me back unless I make them do it by grabbing their hand and have it hitting my hand back.
I hate high fives.

Usually the whole thing ends up with me just kind of lifting my hand to gently touch the other person's hand, and it feels like some asinine greeting on Star Trek or something. Plus, I have sweaty palms, and have the habit of wiping them on my pants before touching someone, and I guess it's kind of an off-putting thing to do...