Hmm a bit stuck in FF8


ShinRa Guard
May 3, 2008
Alrighty um...I haven't played FF8 in a good while but I remember where I'm stuck at. Im level 100 on 3rd disc and I cant seem to figure out how to get to or into the Esthar Continent. (It's my first time going through the game too)

Any suggestions or help or whatever?
*Digs deep into brain*

Ohhhhhhhhh.......I remember that tower I think, I flew past it. I thought you actually had to go to the Esthar Continent.

I tried lookin' at GameFaq's guides but they where vague. :/
Remind me, is the Esthar continent the invisible one?
Yes it is, If you are at the beginning of disc three, then Angelus is right, you have to go to Edea's house. If you are going to esthar, you go to FH nad walk along thr train tracks, after a while you get a cutscene, Squall talks to everyone, Edea joins the party, and you walk through the dried up lake.
Man that helps alot. I kept tryin to find it and I just gave up and said "I'm gonna get Squall, Zell, and Rinoa to level 100 and think on what to do."
I'm not sure the Esthar continent is actually invisible because I sailed around it several times on Balamb Garden, but it simply had no beaches, and you couldn't get inside of it.

I'm more amazed I even remembered it because it's been some time since I played that game.
Yeah I dont think its invisible either. I think durin the game, Headmaster Cid said it's directly east on the map. I tried sailing to it with Balamb Garden but there isnt a landing spot.
Ye its been a while since i played VIII, i just know there is 'invisible' sections to the continent. Dont wanna say anythin else cos dunno exaxctly how far MasamuneSoul is into the disk :)
Think you gotta land the ship in the tree's or somethin and wallk the rest. Grr annoyin when i cant remember.
I can't remember that, but there are spots on the continent you can't see because they're too far inland, and you can only see what's near the edge of the continent since you're sailing around it, if that's what you mean.

But I think there are invisible draw points which you can see if you have a particular GF ability.

EDIT: Actually, you should be able to see the flying Galbadia Garden and simply fly into it to trigger the event. Then I think you go see Edea.
Im pretty much where it says (or where the party says) you have to get into the Esthar Continent by any means after you see the scenes of everyone's childhood at some school or something in the past.
Like I said before, go to Fisherman's Horizon and walk along the train tracks.