hojo experiement, aeris & red XIII


Aug 31, 2008
California, US
As we know, hojo tried to breed aeris and red 13, but cloud stops him in time. What if cloud couldnt make it in time. What if hojo actually did go through with his experiment. What would the offspring look like? would it work? Did hojo have more experiments in store for aeris and red 13? just wondering..:funnyface:
Just for the sake of saying it, RedXIII didn't even WANT to breed with Aerith; as he said, the whole attacking her was just for show. So they two could probably just end up doing nothing in that glass cage for a long time.

And, were the two even genetically compatible? If they, um, succeeded, any offspring would probably die before being born I think.

...But to answer your original post, I guess I can imagine a humanoid with a lot of fur. Maybe a fiery tail to boot *shrugs*
Probably look like Kimahri from FFX, just with red fur instead, and with a ponytail lol.
took me forever to color her in, but yeah i think it would look like this. Strong attack with healing magic
I honestly thought they were gunna breed them seperately, lord knows how I cam to that conclusion, cloning perhaps? ...but the thought of them actually doing the dirty didn't even cross my mind, never did until reading this post really, you think I would know about the birds and the bees by now >_<
Hah, Lost4Life. Funny. That made me smile.

As Fusionist said, it wouldn't have happened. Red XIII was "acting" as an attempt to protect himself.
you know porn stars are also known as "actors" :P ...so how far would have Red XIII gone lol. yeah red would probably escape cuz he is such a badass but who knows maybe hojo would have made some rare ultimate breed with them.
That scene made me shudder. It was pretty damn sick that Hojo wanted to make poor Aeris and Red breed like that. Only Final Fantasy could do that lol.

But yeah, like someone mentioned a red Kimiarhi would be the best guess.

you know porn stars are also known as "actors" :P ...so how far would have Red XIII gone lol.

Wha?? No one mentions him acting as a porn actor!!! It was said he was acting because he was protecting himself, not acting like a porn star.
Wha?? No one mentions him acting as a porn actor!!! It was said he was acting because he was protecting himself, not acting like a porn star.
I was just saying porn stars act and red 13 was acting. Hojo is a mad scientist not a hollow head, so im sure Hojo would have succeed in his experiement
It's perfectly feasible that Red's race and humans (or in this case, Cetra) are compatible for mating and can produce offspring. After all this IS Final Fantasy. Thing is Hojo intended to 'save' two races who were on the brink of extinction but if Aerith did end up having a bundle of joy to Red then wouldn't it have created a whole new race rather than a Cetra and/or *insert whatever it is that Red is*, completly contridicting itself? Unless it works the same as Pokemon where you can breed a magical fish with an electric sheep but still end up with a electric sheep exactly the same as the mother, as opposed to a disturbingly large fish coverd in fluffy wool that spews lightining bolts from its mouth and fins.....

I bet there is a shit load of Aerith/Red XIII hentai about. Fuck if im looking for it though.
eww, Aerith/Red XIII hentai, that makes me shudder just thinking about it
definatly a red kimahri.

I realy dont think Red was a porn star or will ever be.

funny though lol.
Eeewww, a Red XIII/Aerith combo. I don't see that looking pretty at all. Anyways, I didn't notice any cat people in FFVII, so maybe they actually couldn't breed. I'm sure Hojo could do something with their chromosomes or something to make it possible. I wouldn't want to see it though. Unless it was a red Khimari. That would look awesome.
It's getting pretty spammy in here guys, either put more effort in or I'l move this thread to FF Fun, Thanks
y'know beastiality is actually illega,l me thinks that hojo is one sick #$^#! some guy should hit him with a big sword....oh wait they did!! go cloud go cloud!
The whole scene was kind of weird. How could anything good ever come of that.
Its like a human doing it with a dog... It does not work. The idea alone makes me a little sick.
Quite the guy that Hojo.
Even if they were the same species... You can't just put two people together and expect them to mate... I mean come on.. people are not bunny's.

Does make me wonder where the two little cubs came from..
On the subject of whether or not they're genetically compatible: You have to remember that Red XIII isn't just an animal, as he is mentally capable of the same things as humans, he has extreme longevity, and in several instances he performs very humanlike actions, such as standing on two legs, wearing clothing (lawl Shinra boat), and crossing his arms. So at the very least I would assume that he's as compatible as a monkey or something. And come on, it's Final Fantasy. He could probably breed with a chocobo if the creators really wanted to make it happen. 8D

And as for people saying they wouldn't have bred, you've obviously forgotten that this is Hojo we're talking about. He experimented on the unborn fetus of his son, along with his wife(?). He killed (or nearly killed) a man and turned him into a beast. He injected people and himself with Jenova cells. I doubt he'd be above torture, blackmail, and so on in order to coerce two species into mating.
I guess that's true. Its still weird though. The ones that came up with this sure has some weird imagination.
Nanaki can breed with humans. I forget where it's said but it is in the game. Hojo was trying to see if he could combine Red's longevity with Aeris's power. It is a freaky experiment though.