hojo experiement, aeris & red XIII

that whole idea is kinda distrubing. and by kinda i mean extremely.

the idea of what might have happened if Cloud was 5 minutes late kinda makes you want to punch a baby. its just disgusting.

but given the fact that Nanaki had total control of his senses, and probably would have put on a show to trick Hojo, i dont think it would have mattered very much.

Hojo just says in the game that he wants to see if it would work (the part where he is explaining to President Shinra and his lackeys), and if it did then the Cetra-....whatever Nanaki is, hybrid would live for a very long time.
I was fairly young when I played this game the first time. I was a lot happier before I knew exactly what he meant by breeding.

A lot happier.
I too, was young at the time that I played the game, and so I wasn't fully aware of many meanings.

Later in life, I looked back and "ewwed". : )