hol clan rp

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gotta wait for d'lain

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better join this before it's to late:

Race- Human
Weapon-Duel Gunblades

Fly-Sprouts large white wings and can fly.

Fire Control-Can create and manipulate fire

Personal Information
Born an Orphan he joined Balamb Garden at 10 and by 16 was a SeeD. Is a highly skilled mercenary.

I'll add more info if it is needed
Race- Human
Appearance-6 foot with semi-long brown hair ("Leon" from kingdom hearts hair) White robes of Altair, the assassin.. Large boots and a necklace with a Falcons head symbol (like squalls lion...but a falcon). Brown eyes.
Weapon-Sword, daggers,hidden blade, short blade, smoke bombs and frag grenades as well as a staff with blades at the end of each side (collapses into a small stick that sits on his right leg).

Fire Control-Can create and manipulate fire to serve his purpose

Flaming Blades-Can light his sword or daggers on fire in order to deal more damage

Grenade Manipulate-Can manipulate smoke bombs and frag grenades to guide them to targets

Hidden Blade- Has a hidden retractable blade in his left sleeve

Speed-Can run up to 70km hour (43 miles for you foreigners)

Personal Information
Born in Australia, at the age of 3 he was kidnapped and transported to Israel where he was inducted into the Remains of Hashshashin clan and was a full fledged assassin by 18. After the demise of the clan he managed to escape where he became a assassin.

Is this better? I know 70km is'nt much but I didn't want to make him walk TO fast lol.
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well if you get to spicific your charactors will be hard to develop in the rp.
and i think it would be good to have the leaders (that are present) having a meeting in the center.
the rp style is free style min 2 lines
well lets get started.
*d'lain takes a sip of tea* thanks for inviteing me sonic the tea is good. so sever what news do you have about the war front? *looks at sever* ~with his demons we should be unbeatable~
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...well sever pledged his allegiance years back and now he is a demon overlord so he has an armada of demons aiding us *walks over to sever* now how is the war front going are you destroying the million strong army?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Sonic-well am going to look for the Tails doll and beat it up i have not forgotten that day when is stole my ice cream.

d'lain-and what it did to FFGuy awhile back

Sonic-That too i guess

*sonic leaves the room*
Damon headed inside a ventilation shaft, he knew what he was doing was wrong, not to mention cruel to his former allies but now he was in a kill or be killed situation and he could not let morality interfere.

The shaft was a tight fit even for his build so he was slow to enter, when he climbed out at the end he encountered three demons, all of which were starving and looked like zombies rather than demons.

Demons: your a bit too far out, prepare to die!

Damon: well then... kill or be killed eh?

Demon: you got it! now prepare to be devoured!

Damon: likewise...

Damon drew his Varna blades as the Demons started to claw and bite him but his blades managed to slash them away, he then quickly devoured one Demon and then used Mabufudyne on the other two which being their weakness killed them.

Damon then proceeded to another shaft and began to proceed through led only by the scent of blood and flesh.
...sever the perimater has been broken do you want me to go and check it out?* looks at a cabinet*and which one of the posessed dolls do you want to go i am kinda partial to the vivi doll.
ooc: I have included solar noise into this, it basically makes me stronger in combat depending on how much solar noise is present, other beings can't detect it but demons can become mightier with it at a high presence. If I can't have it I will edit my post.

Damon had made too much noise in getting inside, he had to make haste if he wanted to intercept his prey. He started charging towards his quarry when he had a sudden burst of solar noise, this would be beneficial to his battle as more solar noise meant a greater advantage for him in combat.

solar noise level: 3/8 (8 is strongest)
ooc you can have it but only if select classes other then demons can hear it and consle it out with something else
ooc: the solar noise depends on movement but is automatically at it's strongest if you are outside in the sun, and even enemy demons will have the same effect unless they are insane demons (the human vessel refused to cannibalise and lost his/her mind) for instance, if I walked 20 meters it would rise by 2, in other words it is 10 meters per solar noise level, when it hits the maximum it will begin to decrease and so on.
*sonic is in a random forest looking in a random place*

Sonic-I take it that the Tails doll is not behind this tree
Sonic- d'lain if thats you then its not funny
Sonic-its the Tails doll
Tails doll-took...you...long..enough
sever where is sonic? *checks the cabinat* dang it the tails doll is gone again sever sonic might be in trouble out there
OOC: My bad guys. Anyways if you walk in a room in HoL and theres demons. Sever is near...

Sever looks up at the noise coming from above.

As demons fill the room to attack the oncoming intruder a large shadow slowly drops in behind the growing number of demons. Glowing green eyes is all that can be seen from the silhouette.

"If you wish to live intruder you should leave."

Chains fly Grabbing the intruder around his arms. The demons go into a frenzy attacking the intruder even more viscously than before.
vivi lets go *the vivi doll follows d'lain* sonic were are you *sees a tails doll go by* oh great we are being invaded by tails dolls
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