HOMEWORK is it good or bad?


Chocobo Breeder
Jul 27, 2008
i personally don't ever do homework and i'm surprised that i don't get in deep trouble for it, please don't spam and i think home work has no point as youdo work in school.

try not to do too small a post and discussion is encouraged:holyshit:
OMG! I do so little homework its just incredible! And i hardly ever get in trouble for it:P

Teacher: Did you do your homework this time joe?
Me: No sorry
Teacher: Okay bring it in tommarow


Teacher: Did you bring your homework in today joe?
Me: No sorry
Teacher: Okay

I really dislike homework, and the only subjects I ever found it to be somewhat useful in were subjects that required memorization or practice. Math and science are really the only subjects that would require homework. I'm not very good at math and science, and part of that is likely due to the fact that I rarely ever did homework for those subjects. Had I practiced more, I probably would have breezed through the classes.

As for the other subjects such as english and history, I never had any need to study that. I understand the idea behind homework, since it's seen as 'practice,' but I do feel that in some cases...it's just tedious work. I believe that if teachers issue homework, it should only be to practice and repeat, for a brief amount of time. I had teachers that would hand out 3-hour long assignments for one night...and I'd refuse to do it because it was just pointless busy-work, that I felt nulled the original purpose behind homework.
I tottally agree with Contra. There is some unneccesary homework that is handed out, the only piece of homework I've been given that I really do is my English coursework, which, at the end of the day, is more to my grade, though I do find it annoying, I have to bear in mind it must be done. I only find homework the slightest bit useful if there is something I am having trouble learning and it is studying that thing in particular, however, I do think it should be optional.

I do find it slightly unfair though, people are lacking in free time, but the Government come along and say "Just give them more homework" killing more of our free time. It almost feels like their trying to put us back into the dark ages.
I hate homework. -_-

I do 6 hours of school a day, then when I'm home I think 'Phew, free for another day'.

*MSN sound pops up*

My Friend: Dude, have you finished that report yet?
Me: What Report?
My Friend: Well there's one for English, Maths and Geography.
Me: Fuck. -_-

And I don't even go to a damn privet school.
Oh gosh, I was overloaded with homework during my Junior year since I took several AP and Honors classes, and you know how those are. My least favorite homework was from AP English and we had to read Moby Dick every single night so we can pass the quiz the next day. (Yeah we basically had a quiz everyday up until we finished the stupid book). Sad to say, as much as I have great respect for homeworks in general, I had no motivation to read a few chapters of Moby Dick every night and hence failed my quizzes. =[

Really though, I actually did quite enjoy doing homework. I may not have thought the same thing back then, but now looking back...the reason why I try to do my ALL my homework was not because it was great practice (sure that's also part of it) but because I really wanted to learn. And because I didn't wanna get in trouble. xD My teachers were quite strict about homeworks and made sure to embarrass you every chance they get in front of all the students.
I can't remember how I dealt with homework in elementary or middle school, but in high school I did what I could and whatever I didn't do I just asked for help and such the next day -_-

Like said before, homework in history class wasn't really necessary. English there were some grammar exercises, but I didn't like homework related to literature we read. It was just a way for teachers to know if we did the readings or not.

I also hated when the teachers called on you and you didn't have the answer because you didn't do the question; god, so embarrassing :ffs:

So far in college, homework isn't really an issue; you just do assignments and hand them in. The only thing that was taken up in the classes I've been in were really just quizzes and tests.
Well, the purpose of homework is to help you understand the stuff you're taught. For some people, they might be able to understand it, but others think that having the concept explained to you without applying it means they think they understand it. In high school, you can probably get away with this because you can memorize everything on the day before the test and still ace it. But there are certain things that doesn't apply to.

I personally think they should assign more challenging questions for math homework. Because it seems they love to assign lots of repetitive questions in math homework, but nothing that really requires you to understand what you're taught and show that you're able to apply it; and nothing really eye-opening. Which is probably why people think math is boring. They never get assigned questions that make them see how interesting and versatile math can be.
I don't do homework and I never have.
Except for literature, where you need to memorise about 20-30 quotes for each book, and I need to do homework for that.
I think that homework is probably good for you, I think that motivation is the real problem with it.
After my freshmen year I stopped doing homework all together. By stopping I mean I didn't do any at home. I'd try to get as much done in school as I could and if I didn't finish it there, I didn't finish it at all.
At one point I had a business law class where they gave us an essay to do at the start of the semester. It would account for 2 whole level grades at the end of the semester. I didn't do a thing. By the end of the year my teacher came to me and asked why I never did homework or the important essay. I flat out told her I was to busy...and she gave me the entire next semester to make up my homework. It was such a nice gesture...but I still didn't do it.
you are kidding me ... is homework good or bad ??
dude..homework is not bad....it is super evil... my friend always say :so what if you lose 2 hours of your free time ..so what`s the worst that could happen
me: world distruction X( and the 3rd war....
Well, I can see why homework is needed, but it's still annoying. I suppose it's essential for subjects like Maths and Science, so you understand how to do the subjects. But in other subjects it can be a huge waste of time. Writing a two-page essay for English, for example, about the last time you were surprised, although good essay practice, is kinda pointless.

I never saw the point in teachers giving homework just for the sake of setting homework, that really annoyed me, especially if it was pointless and just a time-waster. I didn't do those types of homework.

I understand coursework though, as it's another chance to show off how much you know about the subject, and it gives you a sort of safety net if you fail miserably in the exam. Although I did all my coursework without complaint, some of it seemed...rather pointless. Geography for example, the coursework was totally different and irrelevant to the stuff we were learning in class, as well as being the most time consuming. My Geography coursework ended up being 85 pages long, and although I got an A for it, I was pissed that it's only worth 25% of our final grade. Even though we did shitloads of work on it.
Try not doing any homework in university and I guarantee you'll never graduate.

I never was a homework type even though I was a good student,but teachers always said I needed to just study a little more.Of course this continues on till now,but I regret not studying more.(I study around 2 to 3 hours,when our best student studies more than 5 hours a day).I can't help it if I try very hard to study my head will start hurting.
Homework do have a point.If we didn't have any homework in maths would we be able to solve mathematic problems as easy as we do now?
I might hate homework,but having no homework bores me.You know there are some subjects I really enjoy doing homework for them.
i personally don't ever do homework and i'm surprised that i don't get in deep trouble for it, please don't spam and i think home work has no point as youdo work in school.

As much as I detest homework, it does serve a purpose, it helps you learn the subject.

Perfect example: math class. None of my math professors have made homework required, they simply assign it if we want practice. I usually don't do it because I'm too lazy and hate math, but I usually pay the price in that I do badly on tests. Listening to the class lecture isn't enough for me (and many others) to understand the subject fully, but if I do the homework I usually get a much better grasp on it. So it sucks, but it has its purpose.

And I don't even go to a damn privet school.

You need to do your homework.
If anything, I am one of those people that never does homework, but always passes the exam. I still have an un-finished project for HE from 1st year. And 2nd year. Good times, talking to my teacher about homework. Something like...
me: I don't have my homework.
teacher: Oh well. Go away.
me: Okay.

I do some homework though.
Well, the purpose of homework is to help you understand the stuff you're taught. For some people, they might be able to understand it, but others think that having the concept explained to you without applying it means they think they understand it. In high school, you can probably get away with this because you can memorize everything on the day before the test and still ace it. But there are certain things that doesn't apply to.

I personally think they should assign more challenging questions for math homework. Because it seems they love to assign lots of repetitive questions in math homework, but nothing that really requires you to understand what you're taught and show that you're able to apply it; and nothing really eye-opening. Which is probably why people think math is boring. They never get assigned questions that make them see how interesting and versatile math can be.

Your crazy Karl!!! I suck at math, and you want them to give us more :gasp:!? Im just playing, but I really am horrible at math, it just doesn't make any sense to me, but thats because...I don't know how to apply it, basically what you said. I barely passed my Algebra 2 class ):.

As far as homework is concerned, a vast majority doesn't actually do it at home. In fact I think they call it HomeWork because its supposed to be done in Homeroom :neomon:.

But I like where your going with this, perhaps if more difficult homework(im not saying quantity wise, but quality wise) was given it might encourage students to do it at home, and perhaps give a bigger penalty. Back when I was in middle school, if you missed 5 assignments you got a detencion, when you missed 15 you were given demerits, and a 3hr detencion. Very few students received detencion due to the failure to complete homework. In high school, you were merely given a 0/5 and it counted towards your grade.

Other than that I don't like homework, basically you hit the nail on the head, if you memorize stuff, you do fine in High School, that probably won't work in College though.

As much as i loathe homework, I do think its needed.

- Kuja
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I hate homework
have to sit 8h in a class and then come home and make homework (takes another 3 hours).
But besides that, I'm glad I have homework, that way I can review my lessons, and get extra grades for it:P
I think it would suck if i don't have homework.
My grades would drop really low. because I have no review or the extra grades from homework.

I don't understand what's so hard about maths. I just finished my middle school (chemistry) and had a 100% for math.
Maths is cool, I don't have to waste time on it, takes me like 30 mins to learn for an exam :holyshit:
Well, it could work better if you had fewer repetitive questions and more challenging ones. Or assign questions from a set of them. So there would be a set of questions that are very basic, so that if you don't understand how to use the concept, then you can do as many of those basic questions as you want until you get it; you don't have to do all of them. Then have another set for the advanced stuff so that you can see why it's so interesting.
Homework never really bothered me because I had a full period Study Hall and also my lunch+lunch study hall, which is basically another free period.

Usually in the beginning of the year I don't do my homework, then if my grades aren't so good, I do all of them. My school is dumb, I don't think Homework should hurt your grade more than a test. D: