HOMEWORK is it good or bad?

normally it doesn't (I think)
my grades are devided like this
ex: organic chemistry
total= 100% = theory (2h/week: 50%) + labo (2h/week = 50%)

theory: the cumulative of al test + the cumulative of all homework (transposed to 10)

with my lack of anglish i've made an example
ex: I made 2 tests (15/20 & 10/10) and 3 homework tasks (5/5; 3/7; 9/10)
max:20+10+10 = 40
my points: 15+10+ (5+3+9)/2,2 = 32,73
I will have 32,73/40 for theory (it will be converted to 50% of the total

I hope you understand:P
I was never a fan of homework, much like the rest of the population. I've always considered it to be a cheap way of the teachers being able to excuse themselves for not being able to teach you the content in the classroom. They've always told us that it's essential; that we need to be revising all the time in order to retain the information in our brains. Of course, up until this year, every exam was passable by memorising text. This year, however, we've actually had to study - it's not as simple as reading a line in a book and claiming you're able to pass a particular subject.

So, now that I am older and more aware of the consequences of not retaining this information, I can almost sympathise with teahcers, who've tried in vain to burn it into our heads for the last 13 years or so. In hindsight, they've been through it already and know exactly what we'll have been thinking.
I like the idealism of homework, and was perfectly happy completing it all if it related to something we've done in class either that day or the previous week. However, I found that my teachers used homework not as revision, but as a cheap, pathetic way of lessening their own workload by making us go over something we'd never even heard of before.

Fucking lazy pieces of shit, I tell you. If you're going to set homework, make it damn useful students.
I used to think that homework was pointless because like, that's what you go to school for? Now that I'm a senior in school though and understand the importance of studying at home I can see why teachers feel the need the give us homework, because otherwise most people would never do any work at home.

I don't get as much official homework these days though but my teachers just expect us to do some anyway, because by this stage we know that if we want to learn it will involve working outside of class and finishing exercises and stuff. I think now that we're older we should have enough sense to know that if we DON'T do homework, we only have ourselves to blame if we fail. When you're younger I guess teachers just make you do it as a way of getting you into the habit of it. To be fair, I always did mine but it was always at the last minute, like at 11pm on the night before it needed to be handed in, quite often I would get up at 6am on the day it was due to do it. -_- That's one thing I always hated about having set homework to do, I was never motivated to do it. I choose to do it now though which is much better, I find. <_<