
Interesting point of view, sir. :monster:

But why do you think this? I could understand your reasoning if this were directed towards these "divas" who enjoy making a big scene. They just give me the impression that they only like the drama that comes with being gay and rubbing it in everyone's faces. But, what about those who just be themselves, and don't put on a huge act?

I think man or woman are perfectly capable of falling in love with a person of the same gender. Raising a family isn't an issue, as they can adopt, or even go through surrogacy or IVF (although only one of them will be the biological father). And as far as I'm concerned, the ability to give birth to their own child is the only difference between a straight couple and a gay couple.

If they can trust each other, depend on each other, are utterly attracted to each other, care for each other and willing to stick by each other through thick and then and for better or worse, then I very much think that's a loving and wholesome relationship.

What I think it really comes down to are the bonds that are specifically in a heterosexual relationship that cannot exist in a homosexual one. Men and women are very different from each other naturally- the way they use their brains, their physicality, interests, hobbies, social placing, etc.- men and women are on two different sides, but on the same coin.
For a coin to be a coin, there has to be two sides_
But with a homosexual couple, it's two different coins trying their hardest to fuse together.

I believe that on some level biologically, humans have become so adapted to heterosexual relations that these differences are precisely, and perhaps ironically, the basis for which puts a relationship in full sync. When two men are together, they do not have these attributes to be in full sync- there is a masculine drive in them whether they choose to be divas or not, and lack certain attributes to put things into full swing.
What I notice is that even among happily coupled homosexuals is that they seem to be bored with each other. They don't seem to have a complete manifested value in their relationship. Half of the time, they kick it off as if they are merely friends.
Of course, they try to concern themselves as a couple, but it's simply not there like it is with a heterosexual pair.

Call it intuition, I don't know.. I'm not anti-homosexual, but I do feel it is contrary to nature in the sense that homosexuality is an anomaly to the way we are biologically programmed. It's not potent enough to be on the same level as heterosexuality.
I can see where you're going with that Exec. but I'll go ahead an point out that your analogy of a coin is a bad one. It's better off to say that a relationship is like one of those nine piece puzzles that are stupidly difficult


^ That sort of deal. There are many people who can complement you but only one who will complete you. It doesn't matter what gender they are at all - what matters is that you love each other, etc., you know where that goes.

As for this getting bored in relationships, that happens to almost every relationship. Part of that is the society we've created where we want new and better and part of it is that yes, we're bored - once you've shown off all your tricks in bed, it does begin to lose the flair it had at the start.

Also, homosexuality is actually a natural occurence in the sense, or at least it seems to be. Right now in fact they're studying correlations between sexuality and overpopulation and there appears to be a positive one where as the planet becomes more overpopulated, more of us wind up being bi or gay. Honestly, I think it's a better approach to us going up in a cloud of smoke when volcanoes erupt.

Aside from that, I point up to Dragon MAge's statement. You don't just choose to be gay, just as you don't really choose to be straight. You are what you are and if you can't accept it well...that's your problem. I thought I was straight until the middle of high school when I realized that some of the guys were cute and I discovered that I was gay shortly after I started uni after an incident with a young woman.

The simple fact: you're attracted to who you are because that's how you were made. Blame biology, blame God, but it's the truth. And frankly...I wouldn't want to be straight, no offense.
The simple fact: you're attracted to who you are because that's how you were made. Blame biology, blame God, but it's the truth. And frankly...I wouldn't want to be straight, no offense.

If you want to take the biology route it's hardly fact and, quite frankly, I find it blasphemous to suggest God created people to be gay.
If you want to take the biology route it's hardly fact and, quite frankly, I find it blasphemous to suggest God created people to be gay.

Homosexuality is a product of deviance. As a Roman Catholic, I cannot discern homosexuality as being anymore then contrary to nature.
They have their lusts, and they covet., but in the end, they are an impossible couple.
Let man do as he pleases- but it is his undoing to be a homosexual. There is no peace to be found within it.
If you want to take the biology route it's hardly fact and, quite frankly, I find it blasphemous to suggest God created people to be gay.

...but some people are gay...and if you believe in God you believe he created everyone and everything...so therefore he created gay people... :wacky:
...but some people are gay...and if you believe in God you believe he created everyone and everything...so therefore he created gay people... :wacky:

I don't believe people are involuntarily gay. There is no real evidence or reasoning to suggest that a person cannot be attracted to the opposite sex unless they simply have psychological issues. In which case, homosexuality is a desire or circumstantial consequence, not an inherent trait.
I don't believe people are involuntarily gay. There is no real evidence or reasoning to suggest that a person cannot be attracted to the opposite sex unless they simply have psychological issues. In which case, homosexuality is a desire or circumstantial consequence, not an inherent trait.

Theres no evidence supporting what you say either.
Theres no evidence supporting what you say either.

There doesn't have to be. The human body is not designed for homosexuality, there is no 'gay gene', and only a small 2% of the population is allegedly gay, half of whom have had heterosexual relationships.
In fact, that's evidence all it's own.
There doesn't have to be. The human body is not designed for homosexuality, there is no 'gay gene', and only a small 2% of the population is allegedly gay, half of whom have had heterosexual relationships.
In fact, that's evidence all it's own.

That's funny... I've never heard of this 'heterosexual' Gene you're implying exists :hmmm:
People grow up straight because that is how we're raised to grow up. Your parents tell you you're meant to find someone of the opposite sex and naturally you grow up attracted to that. It has nothing to do with genes.

Gay people are attracted to the same sex. Their parents raise them the same way, to like the opposite sex, they'll probably date the opposite sex at first because thats what they've been taught is natural but to them it is not natural because that is not what they're attracted to. No ones programmed them growing up to like the same sex (in 99% of cases i am sure) they are just born that way.

You can't tell me what i am saying has no evidence when you have no evidence either. I hate that argument. Unless you actually have evidence you can't use that against someone. The human body is designed for homosexuality.
There is a prostate which can be reached by another dudes dick and it gives pleasure. Why would 'God' put that there in that spot if it's not meant to be natural?

Your 'facts' are not evidence and they're not even facts.
That's funny... I've never heard of this 'heterosexual' Gene you're implying exists :hmmm:
People grow up straight because that is how we're raised to grow up. Your parents tell you you're meant to find someone of the opposite sex and naturally you grow up attracted to that. It has nothing to do with genes.

It's not a gene, it's the entire human DNA.
People grow up straight because it is what the human body is programmed to do

Gay people are attracted to the same sex. There parents raise them the same way, to like the opposite sex, they'll probably date the opposite sex at first because thats what they've been taught is natural but to them it is not natural because that is not what they're attracted to. No ones programmed them growing up to like the same sex (in 99% of cases i am sure) they are just born that way.

I believe people become homosexuals because of psychological pitfalls. A person may have an ultra-active sexual drive that the opposite sex doesn't fully satisfy, or may have anxiety around the opposite sex to the point where homosexuality seems more applicable. I believe that homosexuals are really bi-sexual, but have an inclination to the same sex.

A good friend of mine is gay, and he has an ex-wife and children. He's given me insight on this through his experience with other gay people.
A good friend of mine is gay, and he has an ex-wife and children. He's given me insight on this through his experience with other gay people.

What your gay friend experienced might be different to what others experience because I know/have known a lot of gay people in my life and they've told me the opposite to what you're trying to say. They've said they've always felt gay. Well since they can remember and since they were old enough to have sexual thoughts on other people.

Either way I don't think in all cases it's a psychological thing and I think you can be born gay. Just like those people who are born feeling like a woman trapped in a mans body etc.
Either way I don't think in all cases it's a psychological thing and I think you can be born gay. Just like those people who are born feeling like a woman trapped in a mans body etc.

Being born gay is entirely fiction. Throughout all of human history, this has never been a notion up until the past few decades. I can guarantee you that if you ask any gay person if they were born gay, they are going to either so no or that they do not know.
The irony is that it's only straight people who defend homosexuals who say it is an inherent trait.
Being born gay is entirely fiction. Throughout all of human history, this has never been a notion up until the past few decades. I can guarantee you that if you ask any gay person if they were born gay, they are going to either so no or that they do not know.
The irony is that it's only straight people who defend homosexuals who say it is an inherent trait.

You're talking like what you're saying is facts when they're not haha... I'm not even passionate about this subject, I'm just defending them because you're talking very factual and are answering me so I wont be rude and ignore you.

The only reason people hadn't discussed the idea of gay people being born gay until now is because it was very very frowned upon back in the day to be gay. In fact people would kill you for it.
It's accepted now.

Also gay men have told me they were born gay and have never ever been attracted to women. I doubt they're lying.
You're talking like what you're saying is facts when they're not haha... I'm not even passionate about this subject, I'm just defending them because you're talking very factual and are answering me so I wont be rude and ignore you.

The only reason people hadn't discussed the idea of gay people being born gay until now is because it was very very frowned upon back in the day to be gay. In fact people would kill you for it.
It's accepted now.

Also gay men have told me they were born gay and have never ever been attracted to women. I doubt they're lying.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-homosexual. I believe that a person's business is theirs, and others shouldn't mind it. By extension, I have no ill will towards homosexuals., my gay friend is a good friend and I don't judge him.
However, it does not change my view on homosexuality in general. It may seem mean, but I truly believe that homosexuals who say they are not attracted to the opposite sex are lying- out of adoration for their sexuality.
Homosexuality is a culture, it is not just a sexual preference. They are drawn into it, and they stay there.

Oh, and another thing while we are on the subject of how we are made by God to be straight... Can you speak for those/have an answer for people born with the opposite gender's genitalia?

Please do tell...

I'm Roman Catholic, so I'll be more then happy to :)

It is an object of sin. I'm sure you know the story of Eden- mankind was given knowledge of good and evil, which ironically led to our fall. Because of this, we deviated from the grace that we had, committing sins of the flesh and being outside God's grace which leads to abnormalities in birth, among many other things.
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I'm Roman Catholic, so I'll be more then happy to :)

It is an object of sin. I'm sure you know the story of Eden- mankind was given knowledge of good and evil, which ironically led to our fall. Because of this, we deviated from the grace that we had, committing sins of the flesh and being outside God's grace which leads to abnormalities in birth, among many other things.

See...this is what i don't get about religious people. Be religious, I don't care. But don't go telling me how loving and forgiving he is because if you think someone loving and forgiving would make you born with terrible things like that because thousands of years ago two people sinned...then you're just silly.

And I don't think you're homophobic, I just think you're very misguided.
I'm Roman Catholic, so I'll be more then happy to :)

It is an object of sin. I'm sure you know the story of Eden- mankind was given knowledge of good and evil, which ironically led to our fall. Because of this, we deviated from the grace that we had, committing sins of the flesh and being outside God's grace which leads to abnormalities in birth, among many other things.

Right, so they are doomed to hell because they were born that way?
See...this is what i don't get about religious people. Be religious, I don't care. But don't go telling me how loving and forgiving he is because if you think someone loving and forgiving would make you born with terrible things like that because thousands of years ago two people sinned...then you're just silly.

And I don't think you're homophobic, I just think you're very misguided.

God gave us free will. It is the gift of life- what kind of benevolent God 'just gives'? What reward or purpose is there in that? We cannot grow strong and wise without the obstacles that lay before us.
Make no mistake: those who are born in such a way, and still follow God, are called greater in Heaven. It is a biblical fact- the more you suffer, as Christ did, the greater your reward.
God gave us free will. It is the gift of life- what kind of benevolent God 'just gives'? What reward or purpose is there in that? We cannot grow strong and wise without the obstacles that lay before us.
Make no mistake: those who are born in such a way, and still follow God, are called greater in Heaven. It is a biblical fact- the more you suffer, as Christ did, the greater your reward.

I am a Christian and I believe that Jesus died for my sins.

Love thy neighbor and love/worship only God, are the only two laws that I must follow to enter the Kingdom of God.
God gave us free will. It is the gift of life- what kind of benevolent God 'just gives'? What reward or purpose is there in that? We cannot grow strong and wise without the obstacles that lay before us.
Make no mistake: those who are born in such a way, and still follow God, are called greater in Heaven. It is a biblical fact- the more you suffer, as Christ did, the greater your reward.

That is not a fact in any way. But anyway, I guess this is kind of getting off topic haha