Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

Yes, that was her opinion. You cannot possibly be warned for your opinion and, looking back, that is NOT why you were warned, either. Telling a member to leave the forum because you have the wrong perception of either the rules, or her post, is pseudo moderating, in any case.

what would you have done in my position?

HOW many times have I used the words, "Who are we to decide?" direct you to my explanation directly above.
Fine it was not spam then.

You see, that would mean Lady Aerith is a biased Moderator, who can't distinguish her professional boundaries. This is not the case.
Why do you feel the need to defend her?

Yes, they were.
So You're saying that starting a family is shit [/ small degree of sarcasm]

Misperception +1.
+1 for me I guess

I haven't said, in any case, that marriage doesn't involve sex at all. That would be ridiculous to say such a thing. However, once again, I'll say that the topic should be focusing on whether or not Homosexuals should be allowed to join in holy matrimony, instead of their right to sexual intercourse.

Holy? you don't mean by Chruch, do you?

There's no chance of putting a wedge between your narrow mind, is there?
I could say the same about you

Arrogance +1. I should really start keeping a toll of these things ...
Arrogance on your part you mean, you really don't believe me, but is true

Which is what we SHOULD be doing here. In case it's not obvious enough from the capitals, I'll emphasise that we SHOULD be analyising the situation, as opposed to giving an opinion straight away and sticking to it.
But you don't want to analize it you just want to allow it because is "humanly correct" bah

So why are you stating your opinion in a matter-of-fact tone?
I'm not, I am using facts, don't compare me with users like Savior or Meikyousisui

I know what I think. I think that you're skating on thin ice, because you have MIS-PERCEIVED the reasons for why you were warned and now you are challenging a Moderator in public; something that I know, from experience, is also warnable, under the title of Drama. I'd guess that you're also eligable for another pseudo-modding infraction...
You let her decide that, now how many of you people have replied to Meikyousisui's post? and why?
Quicksilver, what would you honestly accomplish by banning gay marriage? I say let them do what they want, they're not bothering you in particular.
what would you have done in my position?
Oh, I don't know; maybe have followed the rules and just not replied?

Fine it was not spam then.
Ironically, spam +1.

Why do you feel the need to defend her?
Because you're wrongly attacking, courtesy of that misperception.

So You're saying that starting a family is shit [/ small degree of sarcasm]
Did I specify? Rather, I commented on it as a whole.

Holy? you don't mean by Chruch, do you?
Well, that's generally where you get married.

I could say the same about you
You could, but you would be wrong.

Arrogance on your part you mean, you really don't believe me, but is true
Ah right, so you're completely in the right? How conveniant that you already know that I "wont believe you" - possibly just a quick way of defending yourself?

But you don't want to analize it you just want to allow it because is "humanly correct" bah
HO NOES! Was I being moral? Holy heavens above, smite me now. Of course I want to analyse this topic - have you not seen who STARTED this thread?

I'm not, I am using facts, don't compare me with users like Savior or Meikyousisui
No, you're not arrogant at all. "[/small degree of sarcasm]"

You let her decide that, now how many of you people have replied to Meikyousisui's post? and why?
She did decide that and, subsequently, you were warned. What exactly was the point of that?
Don't think for one second I'm kidding

Quicksilver, what would you honestly accomplish by banning gay marriage? I say let them do what they want, they're not bothering you in particular.

You are not looking at the whole picture, they are like Sephiroth in a way, we (this "we" does not includes "me") see them as people who have the right to get marriage like us (actually they still have that right, they can marry people of the opposite sex with no problem legally) only looking at one side of the whole picture, and so was Sephiroth considerate a hero by many.

But if we would allow this, then it would open the doors for a new world, a world full of gay people (since it is a state of the mind and not of the body) they would slowly consume this society morals, some people is corromping marriage now (what happened with the good old days when marriage was the union of a man and a woman?) with marriage down there will be no excuses for people to get marriage, soon you start see people marrying with their cousins, their dogs, and even their OS, the same way Sephiroth would detroy the world if not stopped.

Now the real difference is that Sephiroth is a badass that deserves my respect and fear (if he was real)

Oh, I don't know; maybe have followed the rules and just not replied?

Do you even understand why I did what I did?

Did I specify? Rather, I commented on it as a whole.
I gave a number of reason of why people get marriage, good reasons, but apperenly they are all shit to you, why don't you look back to my post and quote my reasons one by one, and let's see if you can still call them shit

Well, that's generally where you get married.
Ironically, Chruch are part of religion, and you were complaining that the suject kept poping up

You could, but you would be wrong.
No, I wouldn't

Ah right, so you're completely in the right? How conveniant that you already know that I "wont believe you" - possibly just a quick way of defending yourself?
Because you just won't listen to any of my arguments, that's why

HO NOES! Was I being moral? Holy heavens above, smite me now. Of course I want to analyse this topic - have you not seen who STARTED this thread?
You did, you said I'm on debatable mood today, well I wonder if you still are

No, you're not arrogant at all. "[/small degree of sarcasm]"
So? your point?

She did decide that and, subsequently, you were warned. What exactly was the point of that?
I know what happened, I was there.
But if we would allow this, then it would open the doors for a new world, a world full of gay people (since it is a state of the mind and not of the body) they would slowly consume this society morals,
In other words, if gays are allowed to marry one another, that makes the rest of society unable to distinguish right and wrong? GOOD FUCKING GRIEF.

some people is corromping marriage now (what happened with the good old days when marriage was the union of a man and a woman?)
What happened to the good old days where children could be beaten in school? TIMES CHANGE FOR THE BETTER.

with marriage down there will be no excuses for people to get marriage, soon you start see people marrying with their cousins, their dogs, and even their OS, the same way Sephiroth would detroy the world if not stopped.
You're impossible, do you know that?

Do you even understand why I did what I did?
Yes, and I've seen your PM's with Lady Aerith, so let's cut the drama, hmm?

I gave a number of reason of why people get marriage, good reasons, but apperenly they are all shit to you, why don't you look back to my post and quote my reasons one by one, and let's see if you can still call them shit
Expect it in my next post.

Ironically, Chruch are part of religion, and you were complaining that the suject kept poping up
I'm 100% atheist, but when I am ready to get married, I'm going to do it in a church - not because I'm religious, or because I want God's blessing, but because I want a normal wedding.

Because you just won't listen to any of my arguments, that's why
That's just it - you're arguing and talking as if you're in the right; that everyone elses opinion is not up to scratch; that we should be listening to you alone.

So? your point?
I agree with both Quicksilver and Riku a little. I do believe Quicksilver is bringing up a good subject with his questioning of holy matrimony.

Why do they want to get married? They'd probably be living together, doing as they please without getting married, so why? Again, I think it goes back to religion... They want to get married because marriage is church-related, and, by getting married, it's like saying 'Look! Being Gay isn't a sin! The Preacher that married us said so, so it must be true!' This is, unfortunately, because of hypocritical Christians who believe they have to shove their beliefs in their faces every waking moment. They want to settle things once and for all and not be considered 'lesser people'.

I do believe that being gay is a sin, but as long as the gay relationship doesn't involve me, they're free to do as they please.

I also agree with Riku. Normally, even people who aren't Christian can distinguish right from wrong themselves, so, allowing Gay marriage wouldn't be the end of a sophisticated society as we know it. People have instincts for right and wrong. Sometimes those instincts are a little clouded, but the results of acting on those clouded instincts doesn't normally effect the whole world.
well, usually growth is good for everything (not the environemnt-but different topic there), even society, one way for the society to grow is through families. ideally, one father and one mother together bringing up their kids to have respect for others and work hard in life to better society as a whole is a good way to do this. there is no growth with two men together, they can adopt, but the kids tend to have mental issues later on.

anyway, i don't care if two guys want to do what they want, live together or anything, but they should not get married in a traditional sense of getting married. getting married is an old religious ceremony where two people vow to God to bond themselves together for life. the Bible is specific that two guys being together is not they way it was meant to be. think it, where would we be. not here for sure. plus, if it was meant to be, you wouldn't get a disease from it.

anyway, that doesn't mean like i said before that two guys or girls for that matter can do what they want to. go for it. it just shouldn't be marriage.

any priest or pastor that marries two men or women obvious does not follow the religion but rather is following political ambitions.
In other words, if gays are allowed to marry one another, that makes the rest of society unable to distinguish right and wrong? GOOD FUCKING GRIEF.
Homosexuality in itself is wrong, it was wring 2,000 years ago, and it is wrong today, I know people don't like to be told that they are wrong and that's the main problem we have here

What happened to the good old days where children could be beaten in school? TIMES CHANGE FOR THE BETTER.
Not necesary, and those days weren't that bad either.

You're impossible, do you know that?
And so are you

Yes, and I've seen your PM's with Lady Aerith, so let's cut the drama, hmm?
My drama ends here *do not reply*

I'm 100% atheist, but when I am ready to get married, I'm going to do it in a church - not because I'm religious, or because I want God's blessing, but because I want a normal wedding.
Excuse me but that's a little, you know hypocrital [no ofense] Atheis and gay people should not marry by chruch, I believe that there is a legal system for that, besides what reasons could you possibly have for marrying under the rule of God if you do not believe in God?

That's just it - you're arguing and talking as if you're in the right; that everyone elses opinion is not up to scratch; that we should be listening to you alone.
Oh and I guess you are different? you are also arguing like if you were right[/quote]
I'm 100% atheist, but when I am ready to get married, I'm going to do it in a church - not because I'm religious, or because I want God's blessing, but because I want a normal wedding.
Why are you going to get married in a church, it isnt normal . Its normal if your christian, but not for non-beleivers.
Why are you going to get married in a church, it isnt normal . Its normal if your christian, but not for non-beleivers.

Its perfectly normal - the members of my family that dont believe in God still got married in church because its traditional.

What is "normal" anyway? Normal doesnt exist - but thats a whole different topic.
In behavior, normal refers to a lack of significant deviation from the average. The p

Its perfectly normal - the members of my family that dont believe in God still got married in church because its traditional.

Still, don't you think that is a little hypocrital, considering what Chruchs represent?

What is "normal" anyway? Normal doesnt exist - but thats a whole different topic.

What is "Normal" From Wikipedia, the free enciclopedia

In behavior, normal refers to a lack of significant deviation from the average. The phrase "not normal" is often applied in a negative sense (asserting that someone or some situation is improper, sick, etc.). Abnormality varies greatly in how pleasant or unpleasant this is for other people; somebody may half-jokingly be called "pleasantly disturbed".

For example, the French sociologist Emile Durkheim indicated in his Rules of Sociological Method that the most common behavior in a society is considered normal. People who do not go along are violating social norms and will invite a negative reaction from others in the society. For example, if most drivers speed five or ten MPH over the speed limit, and one is observing the speed limit, the legal driver is not behaving normally, and is likely to get sanctioned with headlights, the horn, or aggressive driving. However, non-conforming behavior is inevitable, and is punished in proportion to the offense the behavior generates in other people in society. Therefore, a range of social sanctions can be employed, from ill feelings and a negative assessment in response to violations of folkways (lowest-level rules), to anger and violence in response to violations of mores (mid-level rules), and formal fines, imprisonment, or execution for violations of laws (the most significant rules).
Spam +1, by the way. ^
Why do they want to get married? They'd probably be living together, doing as they please without getting married, so why? Again, I think it goes back to religion... They want to get married because marriage is church-related, and, by getting married, it's like saying 'Look! Being Gay isn't a sin!
Or, maybe, there's the slight chance that they wanted to be treated as equals and not discriminated against in society, so the try to act normally. But then, I suppose that's their own fault for believing that our world could have even the slightest shred of decency. This world disguists me, it really does. And, also, why does it always have to link back to religion? There are people in the world who are Christian/Catholic, but do not agree with -everything- in the bible - would you persecute a fellow christian, because he loves someone other than you? If you want to get REALLY down to the bone - aren't we all God's children? "Love one another, as I have loved you," right? He doesn't say to love another of the opposite sex, does he?

Homosexuality in itself is wrong, it was wring 2,000 years ago, and it is wrong today, I know people don't like to be told that they are wrong and that's the main problem we have here
Do you know why people have a problem with being told that they are wrong? Because they're not. Neither are you. This is a DEBATE, where we give our INDIVIDUAL OPINIONS - there is no right or wrong answer, no matter how hard we look for it. We can prove that, when a pencil falls from the desk to the floor, that is caused by gravity. We CANNOT prove that Homosexuality is right/wrong, so when you say that others are wrong and state your opinion matter-of-factly, people don't respond well. YOU find it wrong, but I don't - are you telling me that my opinion is wrong? If so, we can discuss it further on MSN or something, but to be honest, I don't feel that I can explain it further.

Not necesary, and those days weren't that bad either.

And so are you
What a compelling statement.

Excuse me but that's a little, you know hypocrital [no ofense] Atheis and gay people should not marry by chruch, I believe
IN YOUR OPINION. Do you see a trend?

that there is a legal system for that, besides what reasons could you possibly have for marrying under the rule of God if you do not believe in God?
Have I not already said this? Because I want to have a normal wedding. To be honest, I'm not too keen on going to the Registrars and having a small wedding. I could certainly hold back a few non-conformist issues that I have, for the woman I love.

Oh and I guess you are different? you are also arguing like if you were right
This is getting nowhere. PLEASE read over everything that we've argued about - not just the thread, but about opinions and tones. You may just realise the root of our problems. I don't dislike you or anything, but to be honest, your debating skills are poor.

Why are you going to get married in a church, it isnt normal . Its normal if your christian, but not for non-beleivers.
Have I not already said this? Because I want to have a normal wedding. To be honest, I'm not too keen on going to the Registrars and having a small wedding. I could certainly hold back a few non-conformist issues that I have, for the woman I love.
"Love one another, as I have loved you," right? He doesn't say to love another of the opposite sex, does he?

This is a problem of bad translation. "Love one another, as I have loved you" would have been more accurately translated as saying 'respect one another, as I have respected you'. However, even then, it's not anywhere near 100% correct. (Much like a number of Japanese words and titles can't be translated to english with 100% accuracy, the word 'hitsuzen' for example.

And, the bible does specify... If God intended for being homosexual to be right, the companion for Adam would have been another man; the old 'Adam and Steve' addage. And if that was what happened, well... We wouldn't be here would we...? ;)

Anyway... I already stated my piece earlier. God does love gay people, and, like everyone else, they have free will. Gay marriage is alright with me, as long as I, personally, have nothing to do with it.
And, the bible does specify... If God intended for being homosexual to be right, the companion for Adam would have been another man; the old 'Adam and Steve' addage. And if that was what happened, well... We wouldn't be here would we...? ;)

Here's where we start to see contradictions in the bible. You see, if we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, does that not mean we are all brothers and sisters? Yes, it does. That also means that each of us is incested. Incest is against the Christian religion, but so is homosexuality, yet one is less of a sin than the other. In fact, this "incest" isn't considered sin, so why say that homosexuality is a sin?
I'm not always right but...

Spam +1, by the way. ^
I do not understand why my last post was spam, if you could expand of that

Do you know why people have a problem with being told that they are wrong? Because they're not. Neither are you. This is a DEBATE, where we give our INDIVIDUAL OPINIONS - there is no right or wrong answer, no matter how hard we look for it. We can prove that, when a pencil falls from the desk to the floor, that is caused by gravity. We CANNOT prove that Homosexuality is right/wrong, so when you say that others are wrong and state your opinion matter-of-factly, people don't respond well. YOU find it wrong, but I don't - are you telling me that my opinion is wrong? If so, we can discuss it further on MSN or something, but to be honest, I don't feel that I can explain it further.
You are right in what you are saying, I have no problems admitting that, however the point of most debates is to reach a conclusion, right? So not all arguments can be right, can they? I admit that my recent posts have not been as argumentative as my older ones, but I have debate many reasons of why I’m against homosexuality, if you weren’t here then, I invite you to read all my posts in this thread (my first reply is #59)

And I wouldn’t like to take this to the MSN, Riku, I may have give you the wrong impression for the posts I’ve made in this thread, but I’m not someone who participates in movements against gay people or who goes around trying to convince others that homosexuality is wrong, even when I believe so, but since this thread was created to debate that suject I fell the need to post here and convince everyone else, “who is participating in this topic” about my point of view.


What a compelling statement.

IN YOUR OPINION. Do you see a trend?
Sorry, weren’t you the one person who say we were just debating an stating opinions, if you wish I can expand on all that

Have I not already said this? Because I want to have a normal wedding. To be honest, I'm not too keen on going to the Registrars and having a small wedding. I could certainly hold back a few non-conformist issues that I have, for the woman I love.
Lol, you remind me of my sister. So what you want is to have a big wedding, in a big church, with a lot of guests, a big cake and a big celebration? You probably will be to tire to enjoy your wedding night, nothing wrong with that, if that is what you want I can not stop you, but I believe, and it is my opinion, that would be a little disrespectful for the religion that is practice in the church that you get marriage there and do not follow their believes

This is getting nowhere. PLEASE read over everything that we've argued about - not just the thread, but about opinions and tones. You may just realise the root of our problems. I don't dislike you or anything, but to be honest, your debating skills are poor.
Actually now that I’m calm, I’ve took my time to read over my recent posts, the problem now that I think about it was that I was being too hypocrite and too arrogant, and that takes away attention from my actual “points of views and arguments” which creates an environment were I’m most likely to get “shot” by the one who would reply to my post, literally.

-1 for poor arguing in last 10 posts.

Would you get married in a mousqe??
What is a “mousqe”? or you mean mosque? If so people are going to argue that those are not use to getting marriage, I could be wrong though as I don’t have much knowledge of Islamic culture, but this article doesn’t mentions marriage.

If God intended for being homosexual to be right, the companion for Adam would have been another man; the old 'Adam and Steve' addage. And if that was what happened, well... We wouldn't be here would we...?

Taking religion aside, you could also argue that “Mother Nature” didn’t intended that way either.
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I do not understand why my last post was spam, if you could expand of that
Because it had nothing to do with the topic; simple as that.

So not all arguments can be right, can they?
Exactly my point.

I admit that my recent posts have not been as argumentative as my older ones, but I have debate many reasons of why I’m against homosexuality, if you weren’t here then, I invite you to read all my posts in this thread (my first reply is #59)
Au contraire, as they say in France. I find you have beem VERY argumentative :P But, in some cases, being argumentative can be a bad thing. We don't want you to be an argumentative person, we want you to be a fair, understanding and intelligent debator. =]

And I wouldn’t like to take this to the MSN, Riku, I may have give you the wrong impression for the posts I’ve made in this thread, but I’m not someone who participates in movements against gay people or who go around trying to convince others that homosexuality is wrong, even when I believe so, but since this thread was created I fell the need to post here and convince everyone else, “who is participating in this topic” about my point of view.
That's all right; I don't think any less of you, or anything. I just feel that you may have gotten a little carried away :P

Sorry, weren’t you the one person who say we were just debating an stating opinions, if you wish I can expand on all that/
You're putting words together from completely different topics. The STATEMENT was what you said, about "So are you," or something to that affect. I used a sarcastic tone to basically say that the comment you had made really made no progress to the debate. As for the opinions; well, they were for other parts of your post, which WERE opinions.

You probably will be to tire to enjoy your wedding night, nothing wrong with that, if that is what you want I can not stop you, but I believe, and it is my opinion, that would be a little disrespectful for the religion that is practice in the church that you get marriage there and do not follow their believes
It would be just as bad as a Christian not attending service every Sunday, wouldn't it? I'm not religiously intolerant, or anything like that, but to be honest, my wedding day would be more important to me than how someone else viewed the act. Now, let's cut this little part out of our debate, before we all get infractions for spam; agreed?
Because it had nothing to do with the topic; simple as that.
I'll give you points for using my own argument agaisnt me, but since I was proven wrong so are you :P

Au contraire, as they say in France. I find you have beem VERY argumentative :P But, in some cases, being argumentative can be a bad thing. We don't want you to be an argumentative person, we want you to be a fair, understanding and intelligent debator.
I meant, I wasn't exactly using "real" arguments and facts, I’ll provably have to go thought my post history and reuse the ones I already posted, after all, How many of you people have actually read “every” posts in this thread?

It would be just as bad as a Christian not attending service every Sunday, wouldn't it? I'm not religiously intolerant, or anything like that, but to be honest, my wedding day would be more important to me than how someone else viewed the act. Now, let's cut this little part out of our debate, before we all get infractions for spam; agreed?
To an extend you are right, but marriage is a more important sacrament than missing church one day, I don’t think anyone would argue that, ahh when we miss church on Sundays my mother usually make us go another day of the week lol to make it up for it, lol
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I think it is alright...yes it may be a sin, but so is lying. the bible says every sin is the same..so if we say "yeah mom is did my homework" and we didn't, it is just as bad as two men or women getting married.
I think it is alright...yes it may be a sin, but so is lying. the bible says every sin is the same..so if we say "yeah mom is did my homework" and we didn't, it is just as bad as two men or women getting married.

It's only a "Sin" if you believe in what the Bible, the 10 Commandments and such like, says.