Hopefully it will be good.

M'aiq the Liar

The Exalted One
Jul 7, 2009
If you have not found out by now, i prefer Final Fantasy 7 and down when it comes to the final fantasy games. The newer three dimensional ones i just find to be sub par. One of these titles i found to be ok, was Final Fantasy 12. With the release of Final Fantasy 13 due in spring of 2010, im hoping it will be better than 12. I know that the battle style is similar to 12, but the videos i have seen show that it is slightly more complicated. I mean, there are cool combos and shit. Anyways, the visuals kinda remind me of final fantasy 7. What i mean by that is that its...futuristic. You know, with guns and machines and stuff like that. What im saying is , i hope Final Fantasy 13 will be better than 12.
If you have not found out by now, i prefer Final Fantasy 7 and down when it comes to the final fantasy games. The newer three dimensional ones i just find to be sub par. One of these titles i found to be ok, was Final Fantasy 12. With the release of Final Fantasy 13 due in spring of 2010, im hoping it will be better than 12. I know that the battle style is similar to 12, but the videos i have seen show that it is slightly more complicated. I mean, there are cool combos and shit. Anyways, the visuals kinda remind me of final fantasy 7. What i mean by that is that its...futuristic. You know, with guns and machines and stuff like that. What im saying is , i hope Final Fantasy 13 will be better than 12.

If you mean the battle system is similar to VII, you mean it's similar to just about every other Final Fantasy game? And about how just about EVERY Final Fantasy game is futuristic?

I know Final Fantasy XIII will be better than XII, and probably most of the others.
If you mean the battle system is similar to VII, you mean it's similar to just about every other Final Fantasy game? And about how just about EVERY Final Fantasy game is futuristic?

I know Final Fantasy XIII will be better than XII, and probably most of the others.

I said the battle system is similar to 12. And i didnt say every final fantasy game was futuristic. I said that 13 looked futuristic and reminded me of 7.
FFXIII is set in the future and the battle system is very similar to FFXII, but you will be able to do more with the new battle system.
I can't say I'm incredibly optimistic about XIII after playing the slightly disappointing XII (not to mention that I find SE's FF games inferior to Squaresoft's FF games, if that makes any sense :) but being the die hard fan that I am I will still go out and buy it...I am hoping it will be as good as the others and from what I've seen it should be. Now it must just be released already!!! There goes my salary...
What the OP is saying is that he hopes it will be better than 12, and that it's got a futuristic look to it similar to FFVII and that appeals to him, and myself as well. I have to agree, I hope the game is good as well. I'm looking forward to how they'll pull of gameplay with a character like Noctis and keep it within the realm of Final Fantasy but at the same time making it look fluid and stylish.
I think it'll be contender for GoTY, I'm not going to say it will be since there are a lot of top titles released next year, Bioshock 2, GoWIII etc but I think the development time and effort gone into FFXIII will be seen, FFXIII looks as if it's going to be one of those games that can't be reduced to having one main reason for success as it looks far too complicated for that.

As for the status of FFXIII, it's a pinnacle moment in Square Enix's history, they've took 3/4 years to develop FFXIII, possibly 5 come the Western Release. You can't expect a company to continue to do well if they take that long to release a main title, especially as the Japanese market is decreasing. SE need FFXIII to be a success as much as the fans want it to be.
"The newer three dimensional ones i just find to be sub par. One of these titles i found to be ok, was Final Fantasy 12"

Really what? How can you have enjoyed 12? 1-10 were superb, 12 was in a totally different league of rubbishness. They all needed inhalers and needed to stop speaking ye olde English. And dont get me started on the storyline.

I really hope 13 is not going to be the same case otherwise I wont buy another ff game!
"The newer three dimensional ones i just find to be sub par. One of these titles i found to be ok, was Final Fantasy 12"

Really what? How can you have enjoyed 12? 1-10 were superb, 12 was in a totally different league of rubbishness. They all needed inhalers and needed to stop speaking ye olde English. And dont get me started on the storyline.
I'm sorry, what? Since when was your opinion better than anyone else's? We're allowed to enjoy/hate whatever the heck we want. I enjoyed all of the FF titles, and from the look of XIII i'll enjoy that too. What now yo?
I'm a bit nervous for Final Fantasy XIII, to be completely honest. It is getting a lot of hype, a lot more than most of it's predecessor's had (or at least it seems so to me, albeit, Final Fantasy VIII had a good deal of TV commercials). That being said, I fear that the game will not live up to it's expectations. Nonetheless, I am excited. I really hope I am not let down though. :c
I_AM_NANAKI and Tmoo, please continue your argument in PMs if need be, rather than derailing this thread and try to stay on topic in future, thanks ;)
I have faith in Square Enix. Previous Final Fantasies that I have played have been really good in my opinion (except X-2 but it wasn't full crap either) so there's no reason to be worried. Trailers and demos never tell much about games. First time you play a game through you might feel a bit 'empty' but next time opens the story more and you feel more comfortable. It happend to me when I played XII for the first time but when I played it through again I realized how good game it is.

Keep your minds open and don't judge the game yet! ^^