Hope's Emotions


Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
is it just me or does anyone else feel that hope's emotions towards his Mom's death were very...non-existant? I felt like there was no raw emotion nor any real tears to his mom's death. I mean if my mom died right in front of me I would be crying and shaking and who knows what else. =/.

Anyone else agree?
It's called shock. A lot of people experience it when someone dear to them dies, especially in a violent situation. Life is not like in the movies where you fall to your knees and cry out "Noooooo!!!" when someone dies. I don't know if you noticed he screamed out for her as she fell, and afterwards was shaking and frozen to the spot. He was in complete shock, hence why Vanille had to slap him to get him to come to his senses and run before they got killed.

He then internalised his grief for the rest of the time, using Snow as an instrument of blame, and fighting mindlessly to get his mind off facing the fact that his mother was gone. There are a few times when he almost breaks down, but in a situation like the characters are in, there was no time to lie down and grieve. Hope basically felt that he could resolve his grief by avenging his mother's death and killing Snow, but learns later that it was really his own refusal to accept her death that caused him to have to blame someone and seek revenge.
He was suddenly swept up into the events of being a L'cie, in the early events of the game he went through the stages of Denial, Anger and Bargaining but simply didn't have the time or space to get depressed, he had to keep moving forward. I'm sure he grieved properly after the events of the game.

People always make fun of hid character, I don't agree with his accusations at Snow at all (it was the sanctum you idiot, Snow obviously didn't let go on purpose) but we have to remember he was going through something huge.
Hope was pretty young when
his mom died
He also didn't get much time to mourn her or anything because he was swept up with Vanille and the game continued onward.

Also after it happend he was surrounded by people he didn't know very well...pretty much complete strangers, really. I'm not always comfortable showing my emotions to people I don't know very well. I do believe that emotions were there though. We all show our emotions in different ways. I believe that he took all of his sadness and pushed it as anger at
, as he put a lot of time into seeking revenge for what had happend.
is it just me or does anyone else feel that hope's emotions towards his Mom's death were very...non-existant? I felt like there was no raw emotion nor any real tears to his mom's death. I mean if my mom died right in front of me I would be crying and shaking and who knows what else. =/.

Anyone else agree?
Hope had the most character development in my eyes. He matured more than any other character in the party, though this is partly because he's also the youngest. He didn't cry and grieve when his mother died because he was in shock, and the advancing soldiers prevented him from being able to grieve. To top it off, he's forced into becoming a l'cie, and is suddenly on a long journey with a bunch of people he doesn't know. And he's 14.
I agree with some of the others- he was in shock in the beginning. Not everyone will show their emotions in the same way. He didn't cry in the beginning because I'm sure that seeing your own mother die, you don't know how it's going to affect you- with Hope, as someone else said, Vanille had to slap him to get him to come back to the present. It doesn't mean that you're going to burst into tears the second it happens.

Also the way that he allowed the emotion about his mother's death and Snow's involvement in it to build up inside himself, festering until he couldn't cope with it and was determined to kill Snow. I really don't think that this shows him to be non-emotional in any way- if anything it showed that he had a lot of emotions, he just wasn't sure how to deal with them. He'd just lost his mother, he was blaming some guy and he had the added stress of becoming a l'cie. He had no control over any of these things, but he thinks he's alone in dealing with it.