Hottest Girl

rinoa dominates this competition in every category IMO. for a video game character, she's goowgeous.
Ah, this shoulda been a poll! Oh well.

Rinoa probably has the best looks from what I can tell by PS1 graphics. Quistis reminded me more of an older lady, and Selphie reminded me of why men turn gay. Rinoa was less annoying than the rest, so that helped her looks as well for me.
Awww, Fuujin gets no love!!!

I vote Fuujin!
Are you crazy imagine your self with her...Now tell her that you want to have sex with her,what will her answer will be?
I'm sure it's (affarmtive or negative) Now do you really want to stay with a woman like this?!!
Are you crazy imagine your self with her...Now tell her that you want to have sex with her,what will her answer will be?
I'm sure it's (affarmtive or negative) Now do you really want to stay with a woman like this?!!

I vote Fuujin to be the hottest as well. No pillow talk to listen to. :monster: