House M.D.


Running Wild
Nov 30, 2006
Edinburgh, Scotland

Who here has seen the absolute awesomeness of House? Starring Hugh Laurie who is probably more better known for his role in Blackadder as well as a solid cast of supporting actors, the show is about House and his team of elite doctors solving medical cases CSI style with great doses of drama and humour.

The main attraction of this show is the character of House himself, he's the ultimate asshole with his attitude with everyone but you can't help but love him when he tells a patient that their an idiot, his imperfections including a drug addiction just add to his greatness.

Anyone else a House fan?
I watched the first and second series, my ex use to download them or Id watch them on Channel 5. I enjoyed them, it was like CSI, but in a hospital lol. Hugh Lauire is amazing as ever.
Hugh Laurie = Almost God as House. Al Swearangen from Deadwood still has the edge.

Got the first two seasons for Christmas and power-watched through them in three days, re-re-re-re-watched them again this week, the newest season is on C5 but refuse to watch it since I'm too stubborn to watch it on their time.
I used to love House. Hugh Laurie = x3

But I haven't seen it recently. I needed a break from it I think. I plan on picking it up again soon though.
House M.D. SUCKS!!!!!!!

Ok I lied.

Everybody lies.

House is fucking awesome man.

I currently own seasons 1 and 2 on dvd and I can't wait for season 3 to come out on dvd.
House is one of the best shows on TV. I just recently got into House after I bought the first season on DVD. Hugh Laurie is an amazing actor. I loved him in Blackadder, but I love him more as House. Plus, the chemistry between House and Wilson is hysterical! XD
Just finished power watching through the third season the last week and still is the best show on TV atm. Really good season with a lot of nice developments although Tritter was an ass. Hugh Laurie of course is still fantastic to watch.

Am looking forward to the 4th season which will probably be 12 episodes long because of the writers strike, want to see how the show pans out with the new set-up it'll have.